People Who May Have Been Saved by Ghosts


Ghosts can be terrifying, but I don’t think they’re all dangerous. Of course, there are stories of demon possessions all around the world, but I think ghosts usually want to be left alone. Some people believe ghosts will even go as far as saving people’s lives. Here are some examples of such cases.

1. The Gray Man


The small town of Pawleys Island in South Carolina is home to beautiful beaches, historic homes and apparently a lot of ghosts, the most famous of which is known as the gray man. For 200 years there have been numerous sightings of the mysterious grey figure typically right before a major hurricane hits the area. And seeing the grey man could not only save your life but also save your home.

Sounds like an urban legend right? Well, not according to Jim and Clara Moore who had a run in with the Grey Man two days before Hurricane Hugo struck in 1989. They told the story on one of my favorite childhood shows, mysteries. According to Jim, "We were talking a walk late in the afternoon which we usually do. You see so many people walking on the beach at this time of the day. That particular afternoon we only saw the one, and he was coming directly toward us. When I got within speaking distance, I raised my hand to say ‘Hi’ or ‘Beautiful evening’ or whatever, and he disappeared.”

Although the hurricane wreaked havoc on Jim and Clara’s neighborhood, their home was somehow the only one to escape the storm unscathed.

No one really knows who the Grey Man was, some say he was just some pirate, there are others who claim he was a young man who died in quicksand while on the way to see the woman that he loved. Not long after his death he appeared before his lover and warned her to leave the island the woman and her family did, right before a deadly hurricane struck. So I’m thinking maybe he loved the woman so much he came back to warn her but in the process was cursed to wander through eternity warning others of impending doom. So kinda like the Flying Dutchman, except the opposite.


2. The Wife with a Warning


According to the Chicago Tribune, a farmer named Charles Henry Durand was heading home late one evening when his horse stopped in the middle of the road, yea this happened back when people still rode horses, anyway, his horse stopped and would not move any further and began to tremble. Suddenly the air grew oppressive, and a faint light appeared gradually taking the shape of a woman beside Durand's wagon.

At this point, Durand wanted to run away, but he said he was scared stiff. The white figure then spoke in a whisper and said: "There is danger at home, stay away until morning." It was then Durand said he recognized the voice of his late wife. As soon as the warning was uttered, the figure disappeared.

Durand just went straight on home where he noticed that a window he had locked was now open and there were muddy footprints inside the house. As he walked inside carefully, he noticed a string which he pulled with his umbrella. Right then a gun went off, and the bullet would have hit Durand straight in the chest if he did not notice the string which was hard to see in the dark, Durand told the paper he would have died if not for the warning of his late wife.


3. The Woman Who was Dead for 56 Minutes

50-year-old Sonia Burton counts herself as a living miracle, for a good reason too because she was dead for 56 minutes following a heart attack.

Sonia’s day was just like any other as she showed up for work at a bingo hall, but as her shift started, she felt a pain in her chest and then collapsed. Paramedics were on the scene quickly and worked for the next 56 minutes to try to save Sonia as she was being transported the hospital. It was during this time that Sonia said she received a message from her late husband John who died of a heart attack in 2004

She said: "The only thing I remember is my late husband coming to me and saying 'It's not your time Sonia. Go back to the children.' Then I woke up in hospital."


4. The Mother’s Ghost


In March of 2015, emergency responders responded to a report about an overturned car in an icy river. When they arrived, they saw a woman and a baby who was strapped in a seat in the back of her mother’s car, which was hanging upside down in cold water.

Here’s where it gets creepy, when the rescuers entered the water they say they heard a voice calling for help. The 25-year-old mother was already dead, but the officers swear they heard an adult's voice calling out to them for help.

Officer Jared Warner of the Spanish Fork Police Department was one of the first to reach the vehicle; he told the Desert News that “We’ve gotten together and to just talk about it and all four of us swear that we heard somebody inside the car saying, ‘Help,’”

Officer Bryan Dewitt who was also on the scene said “The only people in there were the deceased mother and the child.” Officer Tyler Beddoes another responder said they couldn't explain it, but have no doubt they heard it.

"It wasn't just something that was just in our heads. To me it was plain as day cause I remember hearing a voice," Beddoes told the Deseret News. "I think it was Dewitt who said, 'We're trying. We're trying our best to get in there.' How do you explain that? I don't know,"

Also, it was a miracle that little Lily survived, as she was hanging upside down for almost 14 hours in her car seat with no food or water with the icy river flowing right below her head and temperatures dropping to near freezing throughout the night.

6 Clues That May Prove, We ALL Have Souls

Have you ever wondered if you were something or someone else in your past life? Or if you had a past life in the first place? 

A chief question for many philosophers and scientists alike is whether or not humans have souls. A soul is the spiritual, immortal part of a human being that pre-exists the body and stays alive after death. It is the reason why people are able, if possible, to reincarnate and start a new life in a different body. 

Although many people do believe that they have souls, others are skeptical and want real evidence of the existence of such spiritual entities. So without further ado, here are clues that may prove we all have souls.


#1 - Soul Captured on Photo & Video

Sometimes we see photos that seem to capture images of ghosts or an always blurry bigfoot so it would make sense that cameras may be able to capture souls as well and regardless of whether they are real photos or not, they are always interesting and sometimes very hard to explain. 

For example, in Powell County, Kentucky there supposedly was a horrible motorbike crash, and a guy named Sal Vazquez took a picture of the incident while driving by in his truck. Vazquez posted his picture on Facebook to share the devastating news, but what he received in the comments wasn’t what he expected. People who saw the picture claimed that Vazquez had captured the dead man’s soul leaving his body. They shared the post, and eventually, it became viral. The picture shows a translucent, human-shaped figure leaving the body of the man who passed away.

Next, we take a look at a video posted in a Chinese hospital. Which showed the body of a deceased woman lying on a stretcher. The body was covered by a sheet, and the room was dark, and you can clearly see a ghostly figure begins to exit the body of the deceased woman. Now if this were real, I would just hope that this is something that can only be captured on camera because can you imagine seeing this in real life. I’m glad this was in a hospital because I would definitely have a heart attack.


#2 - Near Death Experiences


We all know the story, someone almost dies and is brought back to life, they then talk about a white light and probably heading towards it. But that's the thing, you've heard about it before because it happens a lot and the stories all seem to be pretty similar. 

For example, after the horrific Tang Mountain Earthquake in 1976, doctors brought many victims back from the brinks of death with most of these individuals recounting similar experiences of floating above their own bodies and instead of pain and fear they felt very much at peace. And although according to a 2011 study in which researchers say near death experiences are just biological reactions, a Harvard Neurosurgeon named Dr. Eben Alexander disagrees.

Dr. Alexander didn’t believe that souls existed. But one day, Dr. he fell into a coma for a week due to bacterial meningitis. During that time, he claimed to have a surreal journey into the afterlife in which he experienced something so real that it made the human world seem artificial in comparison. He also said that the afterlife was filled with love and that communication in that dimension was telepathic. 

People didn’t need to speak to each other to understand what they were trying to say. When he regained consciousness seven days later, he was healed of his meningitis and was so intrigued by his otherworldly experience that he wrote an entire book on it called “Proof of Heaven.”

#3 - Bioelectric Photographs


Next, we have an experiment done by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person using a special bioelectrographic camera at the time of his death. Korotkov teaches physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University and is famous for his research on human energy fields. The bioelectrographic camera creates a high-intensity electric field and produces a flow around the object. Once, Korotkov photographed a person at the moment of his death, and the pictures showed him the soul leaving the body. He explained that the life force (in blue) first left the core, then the head, and lastly the heart and groin.


#4 - Brain Activities


Canadian Neurosurgeon Dr. Wilder Penfield is responsible for a lot of what we currently understand about our brains and is widely considered the father of neurosurgery. For years Penfield though that the brain could explain all human behavior, but after decades of research, he changed his mind. For example in one experiment Penfield conducted. He wanted to observe the brain activity of one of his subjects, so he set up a system that would monitor all the subject’s brain activities. 

He first told the subject to raise his hand, and when he raised his arm, a certain part of his brain was activated. When he took his arm down, that same part of the brain was deactivated. At the same time, Penfield asked the subject did you raise your arm, which the subject replied, "Yes I did."

Then, Dr.Penfield used a machine to activate that part of the brain again but this time artificially. The arm rose up. Then, he deactivated that part of the brain, and the arm fell down. When asked again if he raised his arm the subject said No it went up by itself. This simple experiment is really amazing because in the second case, it was Penfield who triggered the brain to cause the arm to go up, but in the first case who or what triggered the brain? 

Because of this Penfield concluded that: “The brain is a computer, but it is programmed by something outside of itself.”

He also said in his last book The Mystery of the Mind, “I came to take seriously, even to believe, that the
consciousness of man, the mind, is NOT something to be reduced to brain mechanism. 


#5 - Ghosts


I ain't afraid of no ghosts... well actually that’s a lie, I am deathly afraid of ghosts. Personally, I think ghost hunting is one of the worst things that you can do. I mean what are you doing? You don't have a proton pack, what are you gonna do when a ghost attack? Throw your iPhone at it.  Oh, there’s the ghost, oh it's getting close, and now it's chocking me, and now I'm dead... But seriously, we all know there are countless pictures and videos and testimonials out there that are evidence that ghosts may in fact exist and ghosts are suppose to be lost souls so this is also evidence that we do indeed have souls. 


#6 - Reincarnation


Throughout history there have been countless cases of people remembering their past lives, some cultures even treat reincarnation as fact. 

Professor Ian Stevenson formerly of the University of Virginia and his successor Dr. Jim Tucker spent decades researching claims of reincarnation by children and is said to have investigated over 3000 cases. In many of these cases like the people, mainly children were able to remember incredibly specific details of their previous lives. 

For example one of the cases was a boy known as Sam, Sam was four years old when his grandmother died. His father brought an old photo album home from her house when he cleaned it out. To Sam’s parents’ knowledge, Sam had never seen a photo of his grandfather.

When they were looking through the album, Sam pointed to a photo of a car, and said: “That’s my car.” It was his grandfather’s first car. Sam’s mother was skeptical, so she showed him a photo of his grandfather as a young boy with other boys of the same age. Sam pointed to his grandfather and said, “There I am.”

Testing it further, Sam’s mother asked if he remembered anything else from his past life. Sam said someone “turned my sister into a fish.”
When asked who, Sam replied “Bad men.”
It turns out The grandfather’s sister had been murdered, and her corpse was dumped in a body of water.


Personally, I believe that we all have souls and that’s why I'm kinda scared of this whole cloning or making machines more and more lifelike. I personally do believe that the soul is what makes us who we are and I really don't think that when we die, its just over, I mean that’s kind of depressing. 

But there is so much evidence out there that we do all have souls, I think this is especially true in the case of past lives or reincarnation. There are so many documented cases of reincarnation, and even if you don't believe it, you can't really explain it. I mean how can you explain a little kid remembering accurate details of another person who died before they were born. 




Do Near Death Experiences Prove Souls Exist?


By Leonardo Vintini, Epoch Times

Can science show proof of a soul?

In the wee hours of the morning on July 28, 1976, the deadliest earthquake of the 20th century and the third greatest in recorded history shook Tangshan, China. Approximately one-fifth of the city perished in the calamity, and thousands were rescued from the arms of death.

A sociological survey was conducted among people who were brought back from a state of near-death to find out what they experienced at the most critical moments of their lives.


Surprisingly, many responded that on the threshold of death, they did not feel any pain or regret, but experienced a kind of excitement, as if they had been liberated from their physical bodies. Some said that they had seen a tunnel of light and some reported seeing other beings. 
It is likely that many people are familiar with these kinds of stories, known by experts as Near Death Experiences (NDEs).

The existence of NDEs raises a problem for contemporary understanding of the mind, as modern science holds that the mind is a product of neurochemical reactions, rather than an entity independent of the brain and at times able to separate from the physical body. The NDE phenomenon suggests that a human being not only has a body but also has a soul. Naturally, scientists have diverse opinions with regard to the existence of the soul as an individual entity.

One study that probed into this matter was performed by medical doctor Duncan MacDougall of Haverhill, Massachusetts, in 1907. MacDougall worked with six patients who were all in a critical condition. He weighed them at the moment just before death, and then immediately following their departure.

The results, published in contemporary medical journals, found that the patients lost an average of 21 grams (about 0.74 oz.) at the precise moment of death. Dr MacDougall reached the conclusion that this difference was the weight of the human soul, a curious fact made famous in the 2003 movie “21 Grams.”  

Nowadays this study is given little consideration, dismissed as nothing more than an anecdote in scientific circles, since detractors say that measurement errors caused by several factors could have occurred. Yet, so far no one has repeated the experiment either to confirm or refute it.

The “reductionist” is by nature skeptical of the existence of the possibility of an independent consciousness. Scientist Francis Crick—who shared the Nobel Prize with James Watson in 1962 for discovering the double-helix structure of DNA—is probably the most well-known contemporary representative for this viewpoint.

In one study carried out over several years, Professor Crick affirmed that: “our minds—the behavior of our brains—can be explained by the interactions of nerve cells (and other cells) and the molecules associated with them.”


However, some scientists argue that Professor Crick clings to an extreme viewpoint. “It is like saying that the cathedral is a pile of stones and glass. It is true, but too simplistic and it misses the point,” says Michael Reiss, professor at the University of London who is both a priest and a scientist.

The most complete study on NDEs to date was made by Pim van Lommel and a team of Dutch doctors on 344 patients from 10 hospitals. The patients had been resuscitated after cardiac arrest. The study, reported in Lancet in 2001, found that 62 of the patients (18 percent) had some recollection of a near-death experience, while 41 of these described experiencing a “deep” or “very deep” experience.


Half of those who reported having an NDE said they were aware of being dead, while 56 percent said they experienced positive emotions. Fifteen people (24 percent) reported having an out-of-body experience, while 31 percent experienced moving thorough a tunnel. Eighteen said they saw a “celestial landscape.” A third said they met with dead relatives, and eight said they saw their life reviewed.

“The concept thus far assumed, but never scientifically proven, that consciousness and memories are localized in the brain,” writes Professor Van Lommel in “About the Continuity of Our Consciousness”

“How could a clear consciousness outside one’s body be experienced at the moment that the brain no longer functions during a period of clinical death with flat EEG?” asks Van Lommel. “Furthermore, blind people have described (perceptions that agree with reality) during out-of-body experiences at the time of this experience.” Van Lommel says near-death experiences push the limits of medical understanding concerning the range of human consciousness and the mind-brain relationship.

While the subject will likely remain a contentious issue in scientific circles, further studies may be warranted to probe the eternal question:  Is there life after death?

6 Unsettling Visions of Hell from Near Death Experiences


The mystery of what happens after death is one that scientists, philosophers, and religious people have tried to understand.

It seems the only way to find out what really lies beyond the veil of death is to experience death itself, but purposefully dying to be brought back to life, like in the new movie Flatliners, is one of the biggest risks one can take. 

We do have collections of stories from people who have had close calls with the grim reaper called a Near Death Experience. Many of these stories talk about a bright and shining light that beckons to them to the great beyond. Some even hear angelic singing welcoming them to the Pearly Gates. However, there are those who have experienced the opposite. Dark visions of torment and evil are amongst the most common stories told when people describe their visit to Hell. A number of them even claim that they have seen the face of the Devil himself.

In today’s video, we are climbing down the ladder to the dark abyss to explore these nightmarish stories about the underworld. From fire and brimstone to demonic entities, here are 6 Unsettling Visions of Hell from Near Death Experiences.

7. The Pit of Despair and Isolation


A man named Matthew Botsford was at an Atlanta restaurant when the last thing he heard before falling into a coma was two shots from a gun. With a bullet in his head, Botsford was put in a medically induced coma for 27-days, and in that coma, he had the most terrifying vision of the underworld that may have jolted him back to life.

In his near-death experience vision, Botsford found himself in a nightmarish situation where his hands and legs were shackled, and his body was suspended high above a gaping pit or volcanic material. On the floor directly below, he could make out shapes of creatures that were scuttling to and fro and around the pit.

What terrified him even more was the overwhelming feeling of isolation while hanging atop the smoky and fiery pit. He recalls hearing tortured screams echoing, but no other person was to be seen.

Every so often, a team of demons and creatures would come “visit” him and rend his flesh from his bones; flesh that would grow back instantly for these demons to feed on again as a form of eternal torment.

He was then, luckily, spared from this eternal anguish when he saw a giant hand reaching from a wall near him, breaking him free from his chains and taking him away. Before he woke up from his coma, the last thing he heard from his vision were the words “It’s not your time.”

5. The Not-so-Pearly Gates


Our image of what happens after we die is dictated by what we believe is true by the standards of media and popular culture: a brightly lit place in the clouds where there is a large, ornamented gate made out of solid gold; and at the gate is a lectern where a man with a beard as white as his robes – supposedly Saint Peter – is waiting for us with a large book looking like a heavenly Maître D’.

On the flip side, for people unfortunate enough to have a glimpse of Hell, the scene is a lot less appealing. Where there is a golden gate waiting for the righteous, Hell had its own version of a welcome gate but filled with ominous threat and terror pretty much like what the Black Gate of Mordor in Lord of the Rings may look like. Many who have almost crossed over to the other side reveal that it got hotter and hotter as they approached the gate; too hot that they could feel their skin burning by just standing in front of the gate.

Their helpless and hopeless souls are then welcomed to the underworld as the gate swung open, rolling out the red carpet for their arrival into eternal suffering. A vision that may very well be directly lifted from Dante Alighieri’s Inferno, complete with the inscriptions at the gate: “Abandon All Hope, You Who Enter Here.”

4. The Infernal Invitation


The life and faith of a devout atheist named Howard Storm were put to the test when a perforated stomach sent him on his way to the doorstep of Hell.

After being rushed to the hospital, Howard Storm woke up in a daze and noticed that the people in his room could not hear him when he started asking what was going on. He even tried to stop someone walking towards him but he was ignored, and the person walked right through him. It was clear that he was already dead and was now a ghost walking around the hospital aimlessly.

Towards the end of the hall, he narrates, he noticed a large group of figures standing in front of a door who were calling out to him as if inviting him to join their group. Confused and clearly having nothing else planned for his lifetime, he decided to join the group and walked through the door with them.

On the other side, he entered a completely different world enveloped in thick fog. The figures from earlier urged him to walk on, their playful demeanor making the invitation a lot more pleasant. Storm would turn to look back and would see his hospital room shrinking into the distance as he walked farther – but the farther he walked, the smaller the fog-filled place became like an eerie Willy Wonka corridor.

Soon after, the figures who were with him turned sinister and began shoving and pushing him deeper into the hallway. They became more violent and began tearing him apart with their teeth, greedily eating his flesh.

In his panic, Storm cowered and tried to shield himself from his demonic attackers and heard his own voice in his head asking him to do something completely out of character: pray.

With his flesh being ripped from his body, the hard-lined atheist began screaming phrases like “One Nation Under God” and “Our Father who art in Heaven.”

As if some kind of Divine Intervention was invoked by his screaming and shouting, Howard Storm was pulled out of his nightmare and woke up in his hospital bed in one piece.

3. Worse than War

The story of George Ritchie was one of the first, most widely circulated stories about Near Death Experiences in Hell. His experience even led him to publish a book called Return to Tomorrow in 1978.

After coming down with pneumonia during the Second World War, Ritchie recalled being brought to an Army hospital in Virginia where he was later on pronounced dead. He narrates that he had an out of body experience and claimed that he was able to wander around town unhindered. On one of his floating about, he met a strange figure who took him on a guided tour of another dimension.

Like a scene from Dante Alighieri, the mysterious figure showed Ritchie various scenes of people and their spirits struggling in the alternate plane. One scene was at a bar where people tried their hardest to drink and smoke their cigarettes but to no avail. The deeper Ritchie went on tour; the more terrifying the scenes began to unfold. One of these scenes took place in a wasteland where he saw gigantic figures locked in a wrath-fuelled skirmish.

Ritchie goes further into describing what he’s seen, “Even more hideous than the bites and kicks they exchanged, were the sexual abuses many were performing in feverish pantomime. Perversions I never dreamed of were being vainly attempted all around us.”

Soon after, when Ritchie woke up from his feverish sleep, he would become a psychiatrist and publish several books regarding the phenomenon of Near Death Experiences, books that would become popular sources for other people who are into the study of the subject.

2. A Taste of Damnation

Many of us picture hell as a place of torture and eternal damnation. It has been, in fact, depicted perfectly by the 15th Century artist named Hans Hemling in a painting called “The Last Judgment.”

To many people who have had a near-death experience, Hemling’s painting brings terrors that are all too real. Some of these people recount stories of their pleading and begging to return home but were swiftly given a dose of pain and torture; some even recall being shoveled into fiery pits by demons.

In some cases, some people who woke up from a near death experience would describe a place of confinement and isolation that it was utterly mind-numbing and emotionally crushing. There have also been stories where people are allowed to witness damned souls work and slave away nonstop doing deeds like torturing other souls or keeping the furnaces going, some even helping out Lucifer himself carry out his evil deeds whether they like to or not.

While the stories and individual experiences may vary, there is a common thread among all of them: that Hell is, according to them, a place of eternal torment and pain for any unlucky soul who gets sent there.

1. Total Recall


In 1991, a woman named Angie Fenimore attempted to take her own life but instead got a dose of what may come had her suicide become, in a word, successful.

The first thing she recalled after losing consciousness was that she was subjected to a “Life Review” of basically everything that she did and has gone through up until the point where she attempted suicide.

A Life Review is common among people who have gone through a near death experience, and they relive the events of their life through the eyes of people they interacted with in some sort of a Freaky Friday scenario.

After her own life review ended, Fentimore recalls that she was surrounded by a heavy blanket of darkness that seemed to stretch on to eternity. She thought she was completely alone when she heard voices around her saying,  “Oh, we must be the suicides.” Fentimore also realized that these words were being spoken directly into her head and that she, too, could communicate using her mind. However, no matter how hard she tried, she did not elicit any form of response from anyone around her.

Later on, according to her story, she was thrown into a different part of hell that resembled an open field filled with lost souls aimlessly walking around. They seemed to be free to communicate with each other, but Fentimore noticed that misery had fully consumed all of them that they could not look past it and make any effort to interact with anyone around them.

Fentimore’s experience earns the top spot on this list because what’s more harrowing than an infinity of torture and fiery pits is the fact that after you have died, you will have to relive everything you have done in your life, the good and the bad only to be thrown into a wasteland, later on, to be silenced by the crushing weight of your grief and guilt for all eternity, voiding you completely of any kind of will.

And there you have it. 6 unsettling visions of hell from Near-Death Experiences! Let us know what you think in the comments section below!