Dim Mak: The REAL Touch of Death

Martial arts are embedded in the culture and folklore of human civilizations that exist today and those that prospered for many centuries and a few thousand years ago. In the past, man codified how to fight and physically subdue others in the name of self-defense and for its valuable use in the military as well as in law enforcement. However, beyond their practical uses, martial arts have also proven vital in mankind’s pursuit of mental development and spiritual enlightenment.

Given the long history of human combat practices and various fighting systems, it’s not all that surprising that there’s so much about these age-old fighting arts we have yet to fully understand. This is also the reason why they have been the subject of our interest and fascination. Some aspects of ancient martial arts are sometimes painted as mysterious and mystical because they teach certain skills that don’t always seem physically possible at first glance. These lethal techniques demand focus, determination and years of training in order to master them, and the secrets behind them are passed down to a very select few from one generation to the next.

The touch of death is among these ancient martial arts techniques that dance between fantasy and reality, and it will be the main topic of our discussion in this video.


The touch of death goes by many names. In China, it is known as the Dim Mak, while in Japan, a fighting style involving pressure point fighting is referred to as Kyushojutsu. Also called death-point striking, this deadly martial arts technique - when done right - could potentially kill an opponent by striking a specific area of the body with a seemingly gentle but devastatingly critical force.

The Chinese term “Dim Mak” literally translates in English to “press artery,” which suggests that this technique requires applying pressure to an artery in order to work. And according to martial artists who claim they know how to use this lethal move, this technique has a delayed effect when used. At first, the strike may seem harmless, but an individual could suddenly die from it without notice several weeks or a few months later.


The use of the touch of death had been largely mentioned in Wuxia literature, which is a Chinese fiction genre that chronicles the life and adventures of warriors and master martial artists in ancient China. In these stories, the Dim Mak is painted as a highly-specialized fighting style which involves targeting the pressure points of enemies and disrupting the flow of their “qi” or life energy. In these literary works, those who were attacked with this method ended up paralyzed or dead, be it in an immediate or delayed fashion.

The history of Dim Mak can be traced back to traditional Chinese medicine, particularly acupuncture, though there are also suggestions that it was developed by the same person who created the Chinese martial art Taichi. It is also believed that the deadly art of Dim Mak largely influenced the philosophies and development of other Chinese martial arts and even those combat disciplines that originated in Korea and Japan.

Though the death-point striking move is noted by some people to have played a crucial role in the spread of martial arts across the globe, the knowledge of how to use this fighting style remains largely unknown. Only a few chosen martial artists are supposedly trusted by even fewer masters to learn this technique, which is why it has managed to remain a heavily guarded secret. However, in recent years, more and more self-proclaimed martial arts masters have stepped into the limelight, proclaiming their knowledge about the Dim Mak and their ability to use it.


Among the numerous martial artists who revealed their intimate knowledge of the death touch technique is karate instructor George Dillman. Back in the 90s, he created a fighting style inspired by kyushojutsu. Not only did he claim that he knew how to use the touch of death in combat, he also revealed that he was able to develop qi-based techniques that did not require coming into contact with his opponents. A study of his fighting techniques by experts and skeptics, however, concluded that his proclamations were fraudulent.

Another martial artist who claimed to be a master on Dim Mak is Erle Montaigue. He even released books and videos about the technique around the 1980s. Heralding himself as the first Westerner master in the art of Taijiquan, he also disclosed that he learned from several Chinese martial arts masters on how to use the death-point striking technique as well as other fighting maneuvers that disrupt the qi inside the human body. Like Dillman, though, the majority of the public were not so inclined to believe him.


With individuals revealing themselves to be practitioners of this mysterious and controversial technique, one can’t help but wonder if the “touch of death” is indeed the real deal.

Those who believe in the existence and effectiveness of the Dim Mak use the death of Bruce Lee as an example of how lethal this martial arts technique truly is. The accomplished martial artist and film superstar was revealed to have perished from cerebral edema and his demise was officially classified as a “death by misadventure” due to a deadly reaction to combined medication. However, speculations suggest that his sudden death was a delayed effect of a Dim Mak strike from a fellow martial arts master who was ordered to eliminate him. There’s no proof of such rumors but even years after Lee’s untimely death, many still found it very suspicious that he died so suddenly and at a relatively young age. It was also widely known that he had his fair share of enemies within the martial arts community during his short life.

For now, though, we don’t have enough scientific and historical evidence to say with absolute certainty that the “touch of death” is indeed an effective and deadly technique. What can be confirmed is the fact that subjecting certain areas of the human body to immense pressure or trauma can result in an unexpected scale of damage or injury to the person attacked - sometimes even death.

A good example of this is a condition known as commotio cordis. It may seem like something plucked out of a movie but there are incredibly rare instances wherein a person can actually die after receiving a blow to the chest. If the strike lands at a critical moment while the heart is beating, the blow could disrupt its rhythm and result in cardiac arrest. Even with medical intervention, this lethal condition has a fatality rate of around 65 percent and more than 80 percent without it.

Another real-life medical example similar to how the Dim Mak strike works is by blocking the blood flow to the brain via the carotid artery. Applying pressure to this common artery will not only result in unconsciousness but it may also lead to brain damage. Doing so is also not that difficult considering that the carotid artery hides in plain sight - the neck.

Today, the touch of death remains a curious mystery and the truth behind it may one day be brought to light. Until then, the Dim Mak has found a comfortable place of relevance in the martial arts film genre and contemporary pop culture. You’ve already seen versions of this pressure point fighting style in memorable films and shows like the Vulcan nerve pinch in the “Star Trek” universe, Venusian aikido in “Doctor Who,” and Po’s Wuxi Finger Hold technique in “Kung Fu Panda.” And we can only expect this enigmatic combat method will continue to be featured in similar materials in the future.







The Pentagon’s MYSTERIOUS $22 Million U.F.O. Program Revealed


For years, the United States government has always tried to maintain a safe and somewhat skeptical position when it concerns the possibility of alien life and likelihood that extraterrestrial beings may try to visit our planet or have already succeeded in doing so. Whenever footage or information on unexpected sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs are released and made known to the public, government institutions are quick to refute the possibility that the origins of these aerial objects are not of this world. Instead, they offer explanations that they deem more plausible, completely veering the public’s attention and curiosity from topics they feel are best left undiscussed. Perhaps this is to prevent the public from descending into chaos because of their misguided fears. Or, perhaps it is to spare the rest of us from having to deal with difficult truths while those in the government covertly act with our best interests supposedly always in mind.

Usually, it’s the former. Most of the time, our excessively creative imaginations and our tendency to get ahead of ourselves are our own worst enemies. Rarely do we get to learn some of the things our government has been secretly doing on our behalf to deal with difficult truths, including exploring anomalous phenomena like UFOs. But every now and then, earth-shaking revelations are made by top-ranking officials of the government about the secrets the institutions they serve are keeping from the tax-paying public. And among such revelations is the recent acknowledgment by the Pentagon that it formed and funded a top-secret and long-running UFO investigation program.


On Saturday, December 16th, the New York Times and Politico published articles which revealed that the U.S. government – more specifically, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency – had been funding a secret investigatory program that studied unexplained aerial phenomena or UAPs. It supposedly operated from the year 2007 until 2012 and taxpayers supposedly shelled out around $22 million during its entire five-year run.

Called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, this clandestine effort to study UAPs was initiated by former U.S. Senator and Nevada Democrat Harry Reid, who at the time was the Senate majority leader. Reid’s proposed UFO investigation program was backed by the late Senators Ted Stevens of Alaska and Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. Most of the budget allotted for the program went to an aerospace research company run by Nevada businessman and governmental contractor Robert Bigelow. Not only is he allegedly a close friend of Reid, he is also a passionate believer in the existence of aliens and is said to be the one who sparked the senator’s interest in UFOs and all things extraterrestrial in the first place. Reports also noted that Bigelow provided financial support to Reid’s campaign for Senate reelection in 2004 as well as in 2010.

The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program was led by a U.S. military intelligence official named Luis Elizondo. As for what members of the program actually accomplished during its five-year existence, it was revealed that the secret UFO program mainly investigated the accounts of military and commercial pilots who claimed to have witnessed or encountered unexplained aircraft phenomena. Their reported sightings qualified as such if the aircraft they saw appeared to show no obvious or typical signs of propulsion or its flight pattern seemingly defied the fundamental laws of physics. This was not just to find proof of extraterrestrial presence on Earth but also to ascertain if some of the mysterious flying objects were actually secretly deployed by other powerful countries like Russia or China.

The officials in the program also interviewed and evaluated individuals who claimed to have felt or experienced some physical effects from their UFO encounters. But aside from interviewing people, the program supposedly recovered metal alloys and other physical evidence from discovered UAPs and stored them somewhere in Las Vegas.

Out of the program’s efforts, they managed to write a 490-page report about alleged UFO sightings all over the world for the past several decades. This report has yet to be disclosed to the public, and though the program did not manage to yield irrefutable proof of aliens visiting Earth, those who are part of the program, particularly Elizondo, believe that their findings warranted serious attention.


Funding of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program was terminated by the United States Department of Defense back in 2012. As for why it had to end, Politico’s article mentioned a former congressional staffer who revealed that while the effort was a worthy endeavor in the beginning, the program failed to find anything of substance. And because they could no longer justify spending taxpayer money to investigate UFO sightings, the program was given a slow death.

However, some of those who supported the program believe that Pentagon is still allowing it to operate in some form and that officials even today are still investigating UAP or UFO sightings reported by service members while also attending to their other duties in the Defense Department.

Luis Elizondo, in particular, resigned from his position last October 2017, and he expressed his frustration regarding Pentagon’s indifference over the merits of the UFO investigatory program and the government organization’s refusal to fund its operations further. Elizondo also decried the government’s excessive secrecy over the subject matter and the internal opposition the program constantly faced. He also revealed that after his resignation, a new official had already been appointed to continue the covert UFO investigations of the U.S. government.


As for what Pentagon has to say about these revelations, the Defense Department, in response to an inquiry by Reuters, confirmed the existence and subsequent termination of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. According to the Pentagon’s spokeswoman Laura Ochoa, the UFO investigatory program ended in 2012 because the department found that there were more pressing, high-priority issues that deserved the funding the UFO program received. As such, the Department of Defense thought it was in the government and the public’s interest to make a change by terminating the program.

But on whether the Pentagon really ceased investigating UFO and UAP sightings, the U.S. defense department’s response is pretty much a non-answer. The organization neither confirmed nor denied that some of its officials are still handling UFO-related issues. Instead, it stressed that it takes “all threats and potential threats” very seriously and that the department promises to take action when they find “credible information” about such threats.  

This is not the first time that it was revealed to the public that their government has been secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes. In fact, the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program is not the only UFO-related project initiated by the U.S. government. Some of this program’s known predecessors include Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book, and they all shared similar objectives of gathering data about UFOs and determining whether they posed potential threats to national security and public safety.

Needless to say, this recently revealed UFO investigatory program is not the first of its kind and we can surely expect it won’t be the last. But of course, one can’t help but wonder what other shocking things the government is secretly doing without our knowledge.











10 Things That Will Happen if Humans Suddenly DISAPPEARED


Disease, famine, climate change, and unstable despots with access to weapons of mass destruction – these are just some of the ways the humanity can get wiped off from the face of the planet.

Extinction, after all, is an inevitable part of nature and no single species is safe from it, not even the human race. It is a way of nature to “reboot” itself and start over.

Unfortunately for the human race, despite all our advancement in technology and science, it would seem that we are speeding up our time here on earth rather than making it a bit more worthwhile.

Hurricanes of incalculable power and several powerful earthquakes have rocked cities across the world. Ferocious conflicts in war-torn regions continue to plague its inhabitants, indiscriminately taking away their lives seem to see no end in the near future. Large cities in developed countries – countries that you would expect to find a more efficient and environmentally safe way to produce energy – contribute more to the depletion of natural resources and the worsening conditions of the climate.

Whatever our grisly end may be in the future, Mother Nature will continue to live on without the human race. So in today’s list, we are counting down 10 likely scenarios that can happen once humanity is completely gone from the planet earth.


Within a few hours of humanity’s disappearance, the entire world will go dark – not in the Biblical sense though.

Since we have made great accomplishments in the fields of energy and technology, it comes as no surprise that there is no corner of the globe that ever goes dark because of our use of electricity to power our homes and cities.

However, when we finally get wiped out, there will be no one left to keep the power plants running and the generators going. One by one, every neon light, every bulb, every street lamp will go dark as power begins to shut down, plunging the globe in darkness.


With power finally shutting down, we will see – well, the earth will see – a massive chain reaction of nuclear meltdowns from every single power plant in each nuclear powered country.

Without power keeping these plants’ cooling systems operational, these plants will begin to meltdown within a month and the following explosions will be much stronger and much deadlier than the combined meltdowns of Fukushima and Chernobyl.


In just a few days after our extinction, our underground railways and tunnels will be flooded and completely submerged because the pumps that divert water and sewage from the tunnels will stop operating and begin to fill up until it eventually spills into our underground infrastructures.

Speaking of sewage, since everything has already shut down, sewage treatment plants will also cease to operate and the result would be the backing up of tons of waste that we have left behind. It would later on spill out of drains and start a flood of sewage that will most definitely poison existing plant-life and some animals that have survived whatever took out humanity.


Within a year of our extinction, the skies will be a sight to behold as one by one all the satellites that we have launched into space will plummet back to earth having no means of being powered and maintained.

The sight will most likely resemble a meteor shower with streaks of light illuminating the night sky.

And while we do have dozens of satellites that we have launched much further from the earth, even these will fall out of orbit and come crashing back to the planet in a burst of flames as it enters the atmosphere.


Only a few weeks after our sudden extinction, many of our domesticated animals and pets will drop dead because of starvation and dehydration.

Most likely, many of our furry and feathered friends will be locked up in our homes or in their cages or in barns when the human race dies out – and without having no one to attend to them, these animals that we have bred for our leisure or enterprise will kick the bucket because they would have no means to sustain or feed themselves.

The smart ones that may find a way out of our homes may survive a few days longer but these domestic breeds of pets – especially the smaller ones like your aunt’s Chihuahua or your frisky little terrier – will end up being on the menu of much larger, predatory wildlife that may have already encroached upon places that humans used to occupy.

Suffice to say that the extinction of humanity will also be the extinction of the Shih Tzu and other small animal breeds.


Speaking of animals, when the massive cities that we have built and the suburbs that we once occupied have been devoid of our presence, animal life will begin to return to these places that we have forced them out of.

A good example of this scenario in a microcosm is Chernobyl. When the area was turned into a no man’s land after the devastating meltdown of its nuclear power plant, wildlife and even vegetation returned to the region. Wild dogs and birds have returned and began bringing back life – albeit a radioactive and highly contaminated one – to Chernobyl.

On a massive scale, wildlife is bound to return to places that were once their natural habitats; marking new territories and steadily repopulating areas.


Overtime, structures – especially those that are made of steel – will crumble and collapse. Monuments like the Eiffel Tower and structures such as the Golden Gate and Brooklyn bridges will practically disintegrate due to rust and zero maintenance.

As vegetation slowly creeps in to retake the land, concrete structures would also break apart as roots and vines force their way into a structure’s cracks and crannies.

Perhaps the only man-made monuments that will last for decades after our extinction, or even hundreds of years after would be monuments made out of stone such as the Great Pyramids at Giza and Mount Rushmore.


At the height of mankind’s expansion of territories and the great discoveries of new lands, we have paved ways to new regions by building dams and forcing water out of places where they should be.

Delta cities, man-made islands, and places where water has been diverted to create a hospitable place to create habitat will be swept away by the very same element we have tried to command once we have all bitten the dust as a species.

Without anyone to maintain them, dam walls – no matter how thick and fortified – will break and release tons and tons of water. When it does, many areas will be sunk in water, turning them back into the rivers and swamplands that they used to be.

Bodies of water such as the Colorado river will once again flow into the Gulf of Mexico and the Hoover Dam will crumble to give back the river that it kept contained for decades if not centuries.


When we are all gone, the cities we have built in desert lands such as Las Vegas and Dubai will be devoured by sand and turn back into its state as a desert.

With only the monuments that we have built and the structures that we have put up as ghosts of what was once our flourishing civilization, these desert cities will be nothing more than just arid landscapes against the blazing backdrop of the sun.

Even massive areas in the western hemisphere such as Mexico and California will turn back to the parched landscapes that they used to be as homes and buildings begin to deteriorate and the heat form the sun dries up the land once more.


Within just two decades of our extinction, Mother Nature will fully reclaim the earth as vegetation will return and spread.

Despite the fact that humankind was able to cultivate certain species of vegetation to make it more palatable and much more edible, without our skilled hands however, the green will return back to its natural state and many of the plants and vegetables we all know and see in our salads will be virtually unrecognizable in their true, wild states.

Also, as an added bonus to the earth upon our extinction and because of the return of greenery and vegetation, the air will drastically change and be much cleaner than it ever was because pollutants will be absorbed, processed, and basically cleansed by plants; eventually clearing up the earth’s atmosphere and restoring it overtime.


Nearly Half of US Cancer Deaths Blamed on Unhealthy Behavior


By MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer

NEW YORK (AP) — A new look at cancer in the U.S. finds that nearly half of cancer deaths are caused by smoking, poor diet and other unhealthy behaviors.

That's less than commonly-cited estimates from more than 35 years ago, a result of new research methods and changes in American society. Smoking rates have plummeted, for example, while obesity rates have risen dramatically.

The study found that 45 percent of cancer deaths and 42 percent of diagnosed cancer cases could be attributed to what the authors call "modifiable" risk factors. These are risks that are not inherited, and mostly the result of behavior that can be changed, like exposure to sun, not eating enough fruits and vegetables, drinking alcohol and, most importantly, smoking.

A British study conducted in 1981 attributed more than two-thirds of cancer deaths to these factors.

The study used 2014 data and was conducted by the American Cancer Society. It was published online Tuesday in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.

"We thought it was time to redo those estimates," said Dr. Otis Brawley, the cancer society's chief medical officer and one of the study's authors.

Smoking was the leading risk by far, accounting for 29 percent of deaths. Excess body weight was next at 6.5 percent, and alcohol consumption was third at 4 percent.

The authors ran separate calculations for different types of cancer by age group and gender to try to account for how risk factors affect different groups of people, then added them together to understand the national picture.

Among the findings:

— Smoking accounted for 82 percent of lung cancers.
— Excess body weight was associated with 60 percent of uterine cancers and about one-third of liver cancers.
— Alcohol intake was associated with 25 percent of liver cancers in men and 12 percent in women; 17 percent of colorectal cancers in men and 8 percent in women; and 16 percent of breast cancers in women.
— Exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or tanning beds was associated with 96 percent of skin cancers in men and 94 percent in women.

Richard Clapp, a professor emeritus of environmental health at Boston University expects the new numbers to be will widely cited and used to make decisions about how to spend money on cancer prevention, just as the influential British study from 1981 by researchers Richard Doll and Richard Peto has been.

Clapp said there is still room for improvement, however. He said the study doesn't address how two or more risk factors, like smoking and drinking, might work together in some cancer cases and deaths.

Also, aside from secondhand cigarette smoke, the researchers did not to include outdoor or indoor air pollution because the data on the cancer risk from pollution is not detailed enough to understand the national impact, said the study's lead author, Dr. Farhad Islami.

Super Powers Your Body is Hiding From You

We all want superpowers, I actually think it would be awesome if somehow we are all evolving into mutants and eventually our own unique superpowers would come out. I actually think if that happens, there would be a whole lot less crime in the world because you don’t know what powers other people possess. Imagine if a mugger tries to mug a little old grandma, but then the grandma shoots lasers out of her eyes and goes all Cyclops on the mugger.

But what if we all do have powers and we just don’t know it. Here are some superpowers you probably didn’t you had.


1. Super Strength


Super strength or hysterical strength, is a display of crazy abnormal strength when people are in life and death situations.  Although many of these cases were documented, super strength is not recognized by medical science mainly due to the fact that it’s kinda hard to gather evidence on this stuff because they happen without warning and researchers can’t just point the gun at someone and tell them to go lift a car.

Like I said there are many documented cases of super strength. For example In 2006 in Tucson, Ariz., Tim Boyle watched as a Chevrolet Camaro hit 18-year-old Kyle Holtrust. The car pinned Holtrust, still alive, underneath. Boyle ran to the scene of the accident and lifted the Camaro off the teenager, while the driver of the car pulled him to safety.

And if you’re thinking maybe Time Boyle was just that strong, well In 1982, in Lawrenceville, Ga., Angela Cavallo lifted a 1964 Chevrolet Impala from her son, Tony, after it fell off the jacks that had held it up while he worked underneath the car. Mrs. Cavallo lifted the car high enough and long enough for two neighbors to replace the jacks and pull Tony from beneath the car. and a 1964 Chevrolet Impala is at least 3,500 pounds.

And finally, Marie "Bootsy" Payton was cutting her lawn in High Island, Texas when her riding mower got away from her. Payton's young granddaughter, Evie, tried to stop the mower but was knocked underneath the still-running machine. Payton reached the mower and easily tossed it off her granddaughter, limiting Evie's injuries to four severed toes. Curious, Payton later tried to lift the mower again and found she couldn't move it.

scientists believe The extra strength comes from the adrenaline that is pumped into the body when the region of the brain called the hypothalamus is stimulated. But of course are not sure that is the cause of this phenomenon.


2. Echolocation

When a bat flies through the air, it rapidly emits a series of high-pitched clicks, as many as 200 per second. The clicks are far higher in pitch than the human ear can hear but The bats hear them easily. By analyzing the way the sounds bounce off objects in their surroundings and following cues in the volume, direction, and speed at which these sounds return, bats can effectively see in the pitch-black dark.

But did you know that humans—both sighted and vision-impaired—are capable of something similar and sometimes they event taught themselves this ability naturally?

For example, Daniel Kish was Blind from infancy due to retinal cancer. He learned as a young boy to judge his height while climbing trees by making rapid clicking noises and listening for their echoes off the ground. No one taught him the technique He just started using it. He’s gotten so good at it, one of his favorite things to do is mountain biking.

Contrary to popular beliefs, you don’t have to be visually impaired to be able to use Echolocation. even an hour or so of practice can provide immediate results. But of course if you want to become an expert, it would take years of practice but the good news is, Yes you can actually learn to become Daredevil.


3. Body Temperature Control


Imagine the ability to control your own body temperature, and I'm not just talking about maybe going out on a chilly autumn day and not needing a jacket I’m talking about having the ability to raise your body temperature so much you can actually dry sheets soaked in freezing water in a fridged room.

In a monastery in northern India, Tibetan monks entered into a state of deep meditation in a cold 40  degrees Fahrenheit room while 3x6 foot sheets soaked in cold water was wrapped around them. Soon steam began rising from the sheets. and the sheets dried in about an hour.

Herbert Benson an associate professor of medicine at the Harvard Medical School firmly believes that studying advanced forms of meditation "can uncover capacities that will help us to better treat stress-related illnesses."

During visits to remote monasteries in the 1980s, Benson and his team studied monks living in the Himalayan Mountains who could, by through meditation, raise the temperatures of their fingers and toes by as much as 17 degrees. and lower their metabolism by 64 percent.

To put that decrease in perspective, metabolism, or oxygen consumption, drops only 10-15 percent in sleep.

They also documented monks spending the night outside, 15,000 feet high in the Himalayas in February when temperatures reached zero degrees F. Wearing only woolen or cotton shawls, the monks fell asleep immediately and then walked back to the monastery in the morning like they just spent the night at Ritz Carlton. If I could do this, I would just go walk around Antarctica, no reason, just walk around in a Superman T-shirt and if anyone asks, not that I expect to run into a buncha people, I’ll just tell them I got locked out of the fortress of solitude.


4. Immunity to Pain


This power is very useful! Especially when you give yourself a papercut, fall off your bike, getting tortured for information by the mob. I mean wouldn’t it be great to just be able to not feel pain whenever you want. Well, that may be possible because as they say pain is just a state of mind. First of all the already contain morphine-like substances called endorphins which is released into the body during exercise, excitement and when you hurt yourself, and it has the power to dull or completely eliminate pain by coating the receiving end of the synapses in the brain that would otherwise receive pain signals from the rest of your body.

There are also many cases where people are able to control the amount of pain they feel on command. Professional hypnotherapist and psychotherapist Alex Lenkei hypnotized himself before his hand surgery so he could skip the anesthetic says he was fully awake and pain-free during the 83-minute procedure. Lenkei says anesthetic has gotten him nauseous before, and he just feels avoiding it is healthier than using it, in part because it takes awhile to get it out of your system.

he told Early Show co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez that Doctors "were using a chisel, hammer to basically break a sort of walnut-sized bone in the hand to take it out. They also used small medical saw to attach tendon to the thumb."

He said he didn't feel anything at all, just very deep relaxation. I remember my psychology teacher in college used to do this too, every time he would go to the dentist he would ask him how long the procedure was and just put himself under for that amount of time. So like I mentioned before, if he was ever being tortured by the mob….hey guys, how long you intend to torture me for? Oh, 48 hours...ok thanks for the heads up. but he prob wouldn’t feel very good after he comes out of that state. This is also useful if you ever take your kids to a Justin Beiber concert.

5. Time Manipulation

So yea this is what Neo did in Matrix or time stalling, for those of you who have ever seen the show Time Trex. Oh and Max Payne calls this "bullet time." Basically in moments of extreme duress, such as that which police experience during a shooting, human perception alters radically.

Over a period of five years, a researcher named Alexis Artwohl gave hundreds of police officers a written survey to fill out about their shooting experiences. What’s really interesting is that virtually all of the officers reported experiencing at least one major perceptual distortion. For some, time moved in slow motion. For others, it sped up.  one cop wrote that  'During a violent shoot-out I looked over... and was puzzled to see beer cans slowly floating through the air past my face. What was even more puzzling was that they had the word Federal printed on the bottom. They turned out to be the shell casings ejected by the officer who was firing next to me.'

Experts say it's because your brain has two modes of experiencing the world, rational and experiential. The first one is calm and rational. But if someone all of a sudden shows up in front of you with a gun you'll suddenly be in the experiential mode.

Your brain goes into a kind of overdrive, bypassing normal processes in favor of hair-trigger decision-making. Most normal thinking processes are scrapped, and suddenly you're operating on instinct. And because you're processing information faster, the world seems to be moving slower.

I think that ability would be the coolest to have. Then I would literally become the greatest baseball player in history! It'd be like playing softball in the major leagues. Also if had this power you would never be afraid of getting mugged. Every fight would be like you had Spidey Sense.

Let me know.

The World's Most Powerful Dragons

Hey Everyone!

Dragons are generally perceived as being benevolent in the East but as evil destructive creatures in the West. Whether you agree with this or no, I think we can all agree that most if not all dragons are very powerful, which Mathew Mcconaghey learned the hard way. Ooooooh, not smart, never bring an ax to a dragon fight. Anyway here are some other powerful dragons based on mythologies from around the world that you should never try to fight with anything less than the black arrow.


1. Bakunawa


the Bakunawa was a giant dragon/serpent. He has two sets of wings, and a mouth ‘the size of a lake, yeah a lake, try chopping at that Matthew McConaughey. The Bakunawa is also believed to be the god of the underworld and is often considered to be the cause of eclipses.

According to Filipino mythology, the Bakunawa lived in the sea at a time when the world had seven moons and it was so fascinated by the moon’s glow, that it would rise out of the sea and consume the moons. But each time it swallowed a moon, the moon would melt in its stomach, thus it consumed another.

To prevent the world from becoming dark the people would run out of their homes, taking their pots and pans, to make the most noise they could in order to scare the Bakunawa so it would stop eating the moons and give them the moonlight back. Interestingly, the name Bakunawa can be translated as ‘moon eater’ or ‘man-eater,’ because come on, if it can eat the moon it can certainly eat people. The term Bakunawa is also used to descript a greedy person or corrupt government official.

So this dragon was pretty powerful, I mean it could swallow the moon, but also kind of a coward. Pots and pans? come on!


2. The Need-Hawg


The need-hawg which means Malice Striker or Striker in the Dark is a powerful dragon found in Norse Mythology. So there’s this ash tree called Yggdrasill Yi Dra Sil also known as the world tree. This tree is so big, it holds the 9 realms of Norse mythology together and of course one of these realms is Asgard where Thor lives. But this crazy dragon is so powerful it’s trying to topple Yggdrasill and destroy all the realms because the root of the world tree is the only thing trapping him. Oh also there’s apparently an eagle that lives at the top of the world tree and this dragon and eagle are basically saying bad thing to each other, you know just trolling each other, and if you're wondering how they are able to communicate, well there’s this squirrel that basically deliver messages for both of them. So this is like an instant messaging insult match where instead of phones, we have a squirrel. And this squirrel is prob not helping things, he’s prob going up to the dragon,  hey need-hawg the eagle said you ain't nothing.. and uh...he said your mama looks like a T-Rex.

Anyway, If need-hawg does chew his way through the root of the World Tree, it then heralds the arrival of Ragnarök Rog Na Rock and the subsequent destruction of the world. the Norse Judgement day. you know In the next Terminator movie, john conner should send a terminator back in time to team up with Thor to destroy this bad mouthing squirrel and prevent nose Judgment Day, they may have to go and kill that dragon too, Terminator 6 Terminator vs Norse Dragon, and squirrel...


3. Typhon


Typhon was considered the mightiest and deadliest monster in Greek mythology. He was the last son of mother earth Gaia and Tartarus, created as a last attempt to repel the Olympian gods from defeating the Titans.

Known as the "father of all monsters", Typhon was a fire-breathing dragon who had one hundred heads that never slept.

Typhon was the largest and most grotesque of all creatures that have ever lived. He was so tall that he towered over the highest mountains, and his head often brushed the stars. He was of human form down to his thighs, but he had huge snake coils instead of legs.

A hundred dragons’ heads sprung from his shoulders and his body was covered with feathers. His also had wings: and fire flashing from his eyes.

After the defeat of the Giants against the Olympian gods, Gaea wanted to punish Zeus for imprisoning her Titan children in Tartarus; thus, Typhon was born.

When Typhon challenged the heavens, the gods were so frightened by that they fled to Egypt and disguised themselves among the wild.

Zeus had to defend Mount Olympus so he threw bolts of lightning at Typhon. Typhon fought back with force and cut off several of Zeus' muscles from his hands and feet, leaving him helpless.

Hermes managed to get the muscles back to Zeus, who eventually trapped Typhon underneath Mount Etna. It is said to this day that the flames and steam that rise from the volcano are from this monster.


4. The Cockatrice


OK, this thing is crazy, the cockatrice is a mythical two-legged dragon with a rooster’s head. the cockatrice was supposed to be born from an egg laid by a chicken and incubated by a toad or snake. But just because this thing is a chicken, doesn’t mean it is Chicken if you know what I mean, this thing is ferocious and it is powerful. It has the ability to kill people by either, breathing on them, touching them or just looking at them.

It was said that the weasel is the only animal that is immune to the glance of a cockatrice. Apparently, the only way to kill it would be to let it hear a rooster crow of getting it to look itself in a mirror.


5. Dragon Kings


In China, as well as in South Asia, the Dragon or Long is commonly the symbol of nobility, solemnness, holiness, and good fortune. 

Chinese dragons are strongly associated with water in popular belief. They are believed to be the rulers of moving bodies of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, or seas. In traditional Chinese beliefs, there are four major Dragon Kings, representing each of the four seas: the East Sea (corresponding to the East China Sea), the South Sea (corresponding to the South China Sea), the West Sea (sometimes seen as the Indian Ocean and beyond), and the North Sea (sometimes seen as Lake Baikal).

Because of this association, they are seen as "in charge" of water-related weather phenomenon. In premodern times, many Chinese villages (especially those close to rivers and seas) had temples dedicated to their local "dragon king". In times of drought or flooding, it was customary for local officials to lead the community in offering sacrifices and conducting other religious rites to appease the dragon, either to ask for rain or to ask for the rain to stop. These dragon-kings are also known to have a fierce temper and when that happens, crazy weather and floods could occur wiping out entire villages.

You know I wonder what would happen if all these dragons just got together and had dragons only fight club, I wonder who’s gonna win. Maybe the Cockatrice because all it has to do is look at other dragons, but then any of the other dragons could just bring a rooster. The Bakunawa could just try and swallow the other dragons, but then the dragon kings could just floor his stomach full of water. I really don’t know. I’m just gonna go ahead and bet on the squirrel.


Who do you think would win?

100 full moons: Blazing fireball lights up Arctic sky


By JAN M. OLSEN, Associated Press

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — A blazing fireball lit up the dark skies of Arctic Finland for five seconds, giving off what scientists said was "the glow of 100 full moons" and igniting hurried attempts to find the reported meteorite.

Finnish experts were scrambling to calculate its trajectory and find where it landed, according to Tomas Kohout of the University of Helsinki's physics department, who said Thursday night's fireball "seems to have been one of the brightest ones."

It produced a blast wave that felt like an explosion about 6:40 p.m. and could also be seen in northern Norway and in Russia's Kola peninsula, he told The Associated Press on Saturday.

It might have weighed about 100 kilograms (220 pounds), according to Nikolai Kruglikov of Yekaterinburg's Urals Federal University.

"We believe it didn't disintegrate but reached a remote corner of Finland," Kohout said, adding that any search plans for the meteorite must face the fact that "right now we don't have much daylight" — four hours, to be precise.

The Norwegian meteorite network said the fireball "had the glow of 100 full moons" and likely was going northeast, perhaps "to the Norwegian peninsula of Varanger," north of where the borders of Russia, Finland and Norway meet.

Kohout said scientists looked forward to any space debris they can get their hands on.

"We are happy to recover (it) since this is a unique opportunity to get otherwise inaccessible space material," said Kohout. "This is why it's worth it to search for them."

Viktor Troshenkov of the Russian Academy of Sciences told the Tass news agency that the fireball could be part of a prolific meteor shower known as the Leonids, which peaks at this time of year. He said he felt Thursday's fireball likely wasn't the sole meteorite but others maybe were not seen due to thick clouds elsewhere.

Troshenkov told Tass that meteor showers can be even stronger. The Leonids reach their maximum once every 33 years — and the last time that happened was in 1998, he said. Amateur astronomers in the Arctic then saw about 1,000 meteors, 40 meteorites and one fireball in just one night.

In 2013, a meteorite streaked across the Russian sky and exploded over the Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb, its sonic blasts shattering countless windows and injuring about 1,100 people. Many were cut by flying glass as they flocked to windows, curious about what had produced such a blinding flash of light.

The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteorite was estimated to be about 10 tons when it entered the Earth's atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of at least 54,000 kph (33,000 mph). It shattered into pieces about 30-50 kilometers (18-32 miles) above the ground but some meteorite chunks were found in a Russian lake.

A meteoroid is smaller than a kilometer (0.62 mile), and often so small that when it enters the Earth's atmosphere it vaporizes and never reaches the ground. A meteor is a flash of light caused by a meteoroid that fails to get through the Earth's atmosphere.  If part of it does survive, that's called a meteorite.

Asteroids are generally larger chunks of rock that come from the asteroid belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Natasha Demkina: The Girl with X-RAY EYES


X-ray vision is perhaps the one superman power I really had the least interest in. I mean to be able to fly would be awesome, invincibility and super speed would be superb, and X-ray vision... yea I guess that would be super awesome if I gambled or wanted to be a doctor or desired to beat the 3 card game but since I have no interest in any of those things, I think it would just be wasted on me. Look I'm not saying I’d turn it down if I could have that ability, just saying it wouldn't be my preferred mutant power. 

And although X-ray vision seems like something straight out of a movie, there is a girl who supposedly has this ability in real life.


Born in 1987 in the Russian city of Saransk, Natasha Demnika discovered her unique ability when she was just about 10 years old. During that time, between 2003 and 2004, Natasha “scanned” her friends and relatives and presented them her observations.

“I have two sights. I can switch any minute without reason, should I want to see the state of health of a person,” Natasha reveals during one interview. “This switching makes no difficulty to me; I just need to think about it. I can see the full structure of the human body – how internal organs are positioned and how they function… afflicted organs produce a kind of radiation.”

Moreover, Natasha says that her x-ray sight only works in the daytime and, like some kind of plot twist, she cannot use her special ability to scan her own internal organs.

According to the media and to the people she scanned, her diagnoses appear to be sometimes more accurate than those made by medical professionals and doctors with the most advanced of equipment. Some people who have come to her even claim that Natasha was able to find illnesses and problems that they did not know they have in the first place.

Because of the local media covering this phenomenon for almost a year, Natasha has gotten the attention of various other media agencies around the world, most notably the Discovery Channel who sponsored a study that was conducted on Natasha to get to the bottom of how her ability to “scan” people really works.


The Study

Natasha and her mother claim that she can detect abnormalities in the body with 100 percent accuracy. All she needs is a few minutes to scan a person from head to toe.

In March 2004, the Discovery Channel, together with the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) and the Commission for Scientific Medicine and Mental Health (CSMMH) prepared a simple test to unlock the mystery of Natasha’s x-ray vision.


To make the test as simple as possible and non-invasive, Natasha only needed to scan seven volunteers; six of them with abnormalities or medical conditions while one was completely well and normal. During the test, Natasha was provided with a set of cards with instructions in both English and Russian where she should indicate the abnormalities she has spotted on which participant.

In order for the researchers to arrive at a conclusive result, Natasha had to identify at least four of the seven conditions. The following conditions each participant has been a removed appendix, metal staples in the chest left after a surgery, a removed lower section of the esophagus, a removed upper-left section of the lung, a metal plate covering a removed section of the skull, and an artificial hip joint.

While Natasha was able to identify some of the conditions correctly, her biggest blow was not being to identify the patient with a metal plate in his head and instead said the patient with the appendix removed had a piece of his skull missing.

The study yielded to unsatisfactory results because of several other variables. For one, Natasha claimed that she could detect each anomaly in just a few minutes, but the entire test took her four hours to make her diagnoses. Also, several protocol violations were discovered as Natasha arrived earlier than expected and she was able to interact with two of the volunteers at the facility. Natasha’s mother was also present in the testing room and Natasha’s friend, who was acting as interpreter, was found to have constantly been sending and receiving text messages during the course of the test.

However, Britain’s The Sun was also able to conduct their own study with one of their journalists volunteering. The journalist, Briony Warden, suffered fractures and injuries to her leg after a car accident that required reconstructive procedures and the use of metal plates.

Unlike the study conducted by Discovery, the results from The Sun came out conclusive that Natasha indeed had special abilities. Said Warden after the study, “She described my pelvis as asymmetrical and pointed to the right side with several fractures… then she said she saw traces of several metal pins and screws that dinted in the bone. Without seeing the scars, she could not know that a fortnight ago my leg was fastened with several pins and screws.”


Where is Natasha Now?

At the onset of discovering her daughter’s abilities, Tatyana Demkina, Natasha’s mother, tried to conceal it from the public but when word began to travel fast and far, their tiny apartment in Russia flooded with curious onlookers and “patients.”


Her father, Nikolai Demkin, narrates, “we’ve been hiding our daughter’s gift for a long time. But her uniqueness became public property, and after that our family was haunted by reporters. Local newspapers also wrote about her, and some articles brought us much sorrow.”

Allegedly, people or patients who wish to have their bodies scanned for any sickness or problems should be ready to shell out $13 to see Natasha. It may not be much, but in this part of Russia, it’s a lot of money to shell out by families whose income is extremely low.

Despite this, Natasha dreams of working in the medical field where she and her family believes that her abilities will be of much benefit and in 2004, she finished school and, in 2008 worked at the Moscow Center for Special Human Diagnostics.

Whether or not her x-ray eyes are real is still a matter of debate, at least in the scientific community – and whatever ability she has, it looks as if it will remain a mystery to us all, at least in this lifetime.


Global Warming Hoax? Scientists Claim "Mini Ice Age" to Occur in 2030


Hey Everyone! It’s Mikey Chen

So here’s an excuse for you to finally pull the trigger on that Canada Goose jacket or move to Florida because according to scientists, Earth will be heading for a mini ice age in about 15 years.

A team of European researchers unveiled a scientific model at the 2015 National Astronomy Meeting showing that the Earth is likely to experience a “Mini Ice Age” from 2030 to 2040 as a result of decreased solar activity. Something that hasn't happened for three centuries.

Northumbria University, Professor Valentina Zharkova, presented the Double Dynamo Model which is suppose to be able to accurately explain discrepancies in the sun’s 11-year cycle.

And if you don’t know, the sun’s cycle is the amount of magnetic flux that rises to the Sun's surface, and that varies with time in a cycle. This cycle lasts 11 years on average. Basically, during the minimum of the solar cycle, sunspots are rare and small, and during the maximum, sunspots are visible on the Sun almost all the time

Zharkova. said that 'Over the cycle, the waves fluctuate between the northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun. Combining both waves together and comparing to real data for the current solar cycle, we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97%,'

And Based on the Double Dynamo model, the two magnetic waves will cancel each other out in about 2030, leading to a drop in sunspots and solar flares of about 60 percent. Which would match conditions experienced during the so-called “Little Ice Age” during the Maunder Minimum period also known as the prolonged sunspot minimum, which lasted from 1645-1715?

During this time, rivers that are normally ice-free froze like London's River Thames, and snow fields remained year-round at lower altitudes.

The “Double Dynamo” theory lends credence to the work of researchers who argue that the Earth will soon experience a period of global cooling as a result of reductions in solar activity even as climate-change advocates argue that the planet is warming as a result of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


The theory of a Mini Ice Age has been brought up before. For example Former White House national space policy adviser John L. Casey in his book “Dark Winter: How the Sun is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell” forecasts a “solar hibernation” and warns that the worst of the cooling cycle will hit in the late 2020s and early 2030's.

First of all, not to make light of this situation, but 97% accuracy on predictions of solar cycle fluctuations, how come you can’t tell me if its really going to rain or not next week?? I swear the weather forecast changes day to day, and according to back to the future arent, we suppose to have super accurate weather forecasting by now?

Also just in case this mini ice age turns into the day after tomorrow, here’s what you do, don’t try to walk anywhere and just stay home and burn books.






When we think of prehistoric monsters, we probably think of dinosaurs, and when we think of dinosaurs we most likely think of the Trex, or maybe the velociraptor, honestly I watched the original Jurrasic park at least eight times, seen all the sequels and those are only dinosaurs I can name. Oh, wait, pterodactyl, Triceratops... the Abominable Rex. Anyway were way more crazy monsters that would have eaten us in one bite and we really don’t know as much about these prehistoric creatures as we should, so in case they all get cloned again in the near future, or you happen to wander into the middle of the earth here’s what you should know about some of the most terrifying creatures to have ever existed.

1. Gigantopithecus (GIGANT-Opithecus)


The Gigantopithecus is basically King Kong, I mean if you have the word Giganto in your name you better be huge.  it was a giant ape, closely related to the orangutan that existed from perhaps nine million years to as recently as one hundred thousand years ago. It roamed the bamboo forests, jungles, and mountains of China, India, and Vietnam during the Pleistocene Ply Sto Scene period. The Gigantopithecus was supposed to be a vegetarian and could grow up to 10 feet tall and weigh up to 1,190 pounds. It finally went extinct possibly due to climate change or because the last one of them decided to take his date and climb the empire state building.
But there are those who believe the Gigantopithecus is alive and well, hiding out in the forests of the Pacific Northwest and are known today as Bigfoot.


2. Phorusrhacids (Pho-Rus-ACIDS)


These have another name...Terror birds. Ok, you are officially terrifying if people give you your name and it includes the word terror in it and it doesn't matter what it is, as long as it has the word terror in it, it becomes automatically scary. Like dog, terror dog, even something like bunny, terror bunny. Haha, terror bunny. All I can picture is an insane looking Buggs Bunny jumping at me trying to stab me with a carrot. Anyway, terror birds were the top predators in South America and parts of North America during the Miocene, Pliocene, and Early Pleistocene Ply Sta Scene periods. They were unable to fly but could run as fast as a cheetah, and they were massive; the largest species could grow up to 10 feet tall and weigh up to half a ton. Their main weapon was their crazy mutant parrot, eagle looking head, which on its own could be over 3 feet long. It’s so big they can swallow something as large as a dog in one single gulp! However, thanks to its crazy shaped beak, the terror birds could kill and devour prey much larger than a dog you know just a little bigger like a horse or you know, camels. And these Birds would have been terrorizing us if it wasn't for our hero, Colonel Sanders and his secret recipe. One of the secret ingredients is terror.

3. Pulmonoscorpius


If you don’t like scorpions then you prob won’t like these guys very much, they were very similar to modern scorpions, they have front claws and a sting in its tail. But the only thing is these things were around 3 feet in length. So yea, probably can’t just step on them.  Besides the obvious huge claws, like today’s scorpions, these things also pack a powerful venom oh and it’s carnivorous. If those things were still alive today, all our houses would need to be equipt with giant can of bug spray or just flamethrowers. Or we need to all keep giant ants as pets.

4. Helicoprion (HELL-i-Cop-Rion)


Ok yea, this sea monster swam around a circular saw as it’s teeth and supposedly it didn't have any upper teeth. So basically this thing is already so scary, I mean it’s got a buzzsaw for teeth that whoever created this thing decided giving it upper teeth just wouldn't be fair. I mean how do you match up with buzzsaw teeth? With power drills? Also, can you imagine if this thing bites its own lip...we all bite our own lips now and then and it hurts if these things bite its own lip it runs the risk of sawing its own head in half.

Anyway, this creature could actually rotate its teeth backward, much like a circular saw blade. And their teeth will continuously grow outwards, creating a spiral as it ages. So kinda like a shark, you should see swimming around if we lived in a resident evil movie

5. Azhdarchidae (Ash-DARKY-DIE)


Imagin being attacked by a pack of Pterodactyl, that would be bad, but imagine getting attacked by a pack of pterodactyl the size of giraffes...that’s like 1000 times worse. The Azhdarchidae were a group of gigantic pterosaurs Taro Saurs that included some of the largest known flying animals of all time with a wingspan stretching 39 feet across. Despite their formidable size, the pterosaurs in the Azhdarchidae family had no teeth.
But come one, it really doesn't matter that they had no teeth, I mean a sparrow has no teeth but if I see a sparrow the size of a giraffe flying towards me I’m still crapping my pants.

6. Spinosaurus (SPINE-Osaurus)

The Spinosaurus is Believed to be the largest predator ever to walk the Earth and lived during part of the Cretaceous period, about 112 million to 97 million years ago, roaming the swamps of North Africa. Spinosaurus means "spine lizard," an appropriate descriptor, as the dinosaur had very long spines growing on its back to form what is referred to as a "sail." To this day scientist are not sure what exactly the function of the sail was, some say it was used to ward off enemies, although I don’t know what other dinosaurs would be crazy enough to battle this thing, well except that T-Rx in Jurassic Park 3 and yea this happened. Others researchers think the sail was used to regulate its body temperature, personally, I think it was a style thing, I think the Spinosaurus was the Mr. T of dinosaurs.


7. Gorgonopsid (GORE-Gonopsid)


The gorgonopsid looks like the hellhound from the original Ghost Busters, and it probably was. These things were the dominant predators during the late Permian period before dinosaurs. Gorgonopsids had a set of deadly saber-teeth and are often the size of rhinos or bigger. They were quite agile and could run really fast, so these things were basically saber-toothed, lizard dogs that were the size of a rhino.



8. Megalodon (MEGA-Lodon)


The Megalodon is probably one of the most insane things that has ever lived. The Megalodon is so terrifying, it makes great white sharks seem like puppies and the movie Jaws an underwater version of Bambie. The megalodon was over 60 ft in length, not only was it  4 times the size of a great white.  it was the largest predatory marine creature in the history of the planet. whereas a modern Great White Shark clamps its jaws shut with about 1.8 tons of force Megalodon chomped down on its prey with a force of between 10.8 and 18.2 tons

This beast ruled the seas for more than 16 million years and was the perfect killing machine. It was built for speed and armed with teeth the size of a car tire. So you must be glad that this thing went extinct right? A common belief among the scientific community is that Megalodon went extinct around 1,5 million years ago. But there is a group of scientists who believe Megalodon could actually be alive today. Lurking in the depths of our ocean 95% of which remain unexplored. Could happen, I mean we didn’t even know The Megamouth Shark until 1976 and even that was an accidental discovery. So maybe this crazy beast could still be out there somewhere.

Can you imagine living in a place and time where all these creatures plus 1,000 others that existed? And our goal every day would just to stay alive. I mean even if we had guns, I've watched all the Jurassic Park movies, and if I learned anything it’s that bullets apparently don’t work on dinosaurs. I think if we ever do clone all these things, or somehow that Journey to the Center of the Earth thing is real, I would try to find baby T-Rex dinosaur eggs and then somehow hatch them and convince them that I’m their father, so they’ll fight on my side. And I’ll name all of them Luke… Let me know how you will survive.



