5 Ancient Secret Societies that Tried to Control the World


There is something about secret societies that make us immensely distrust them and undeniably fascinated with them at the same time. Even if we have no interest in being a part of one, we can’t seem to shake off the inherent curiosity we have to get to know as much as we can about them. Many of us regard these covert organizations as an elite selection of individuals who have more than enough wealth, power, and influence to further their own self-interests to the detriment of the rest of the world. We view them as a faceless evil lurking in the shadows, dictating the ways of the world and quietly enslaving most of the human society through their cunning schemes and careful plotting.  

This negative view on secret societies is largely founded on our natural wariness of anything shrouded with mystery and perpetuated by dozens of conspiracy theories about these organizations that have sprung up over the years. While we can’t say for certain whether or not some of these secret societies are guilty of surreptitiously trying to rule the world, we can confirm that hundreds of these groups have indeed been established across the globe to serve grand social, political and religious agendas. Some of these institutions date back to several centuries and even a thousand years. Many of them had long since been disbanded but a few of these old clandestine orders continue to exist today.

Here are five (5) of the oldest secret societies you may or may not know about.


#1 – Illuminati


Probably the most well-known and most infamous secret society on this list, the Illuminati historically refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society of freethinkers formed during the era of Enlightenment in the late 18th century. It was founded by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776, and its objectives were to oppose the deliberate restriction of knowledge dissemination of that time; to decrease the influence of superstition and religion over public matters, and to stand against those who abuse state power. Though they were not legally permitted to form an organization, a large number of intellectuals and politicians was a part of this secret group, with some freemasons even joining the fray. Internal dissent and the government’s effort to expose the group and disband it completely led to the Illuminati’s collapse before the end of the 18th century.

While the original Bavarian Illuminati is long gone, several fraternal organizations that exist today claim to have descended from the original members of the 18th-century Illuminati and openly use the name for their own organizations. Conspiracy theorists, however, insist that the real Illuminati organization was not completely quashed and that its members for the past few centuries have orchestrated a variety of historical events to control global society and to establish a “New World Order” governed by atheist and humanist principles. Some have even gone so far as to say that the Illuminati are also Satan worshippers who are furtively plotting to bring the Antichrist into power.


#2 – The Freemasonry


The Freemasonry is a “not-so-secret” secret society whose presence is still widely felt worldwide today ever since the First Grand Masonic Lodge was founded in London back in 1717. While the existence of Freemasonry is public knowledge for the past few centuries, the group has managed to maintain its exclusivity and has kept most of its practices and activities under wraps. They refer to god as “The Great Architect of the Universe,” and they are known to use various architectural symbols. They strictly observe a ritualized style in conducting their meetings, and it is said that Masons are taught secret signs and handshakes that will help them identify fellow Masons.

The challenges of being a part of the Masonry does not end with a confirmed membership to the group. The organization observes a gradual and graded membership system. Initially, the Masonry only had two membership levels – the first and the second degree. However, in the 1750s, a third degree was introduced - a move which was met with outrage and led to the group’s split at the time. Today, the three degrees of Masonry are the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft and the Master Mason. Being an Entered Apprentice equates to a basic membership to the organization. A Fellow Craft is required to pursue furthering his knowledge on masonry. Finally, achieving the degree of a Master Mason means being able to be a part of various Masonic activities.


#3 – The Rosicrucian Order


Said to have been founded by Christian Rosenkreuz back in the early 15th century, this secret society is regarded as one of the oldest ones ever formed. The order’s official symbol is a rose on a cross, and initially, the organization was just a very small circle of doctors who are also sworn bachelors. Each member of this secret society took a vow to always tend to the sick, maintain the strength of the secret fellowship, and to select a suitable disciple to replace him in the event of death.

The Rosicrucians ultimate objective as a group is the “universal reformation of mankind,” and to them, this meant turning to occultism as well as other religious beliefs and practices. Members of this secret society essentially believed that they possessed secret knowledge that have been passed on to them from the “esoteric truths of the ancient past” about “nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm.”

The secret Rosicrucian Order reached the peak of its glory during the 17th century with the publication of the group’s three manifestos. All of Europe was fascinated with the revelation of the existence of a covert brotherhood of sages and alchemists who were dedicated to transforming the political and intellectual landscape of the continent through the arts, sciences and religion. There are even rumors that this secret society was the hidden force operating behind every major war or revolution that occurred for the last several centuries.


#4 – The Hashashin

Also known as the Nizari Ismailis, the Hashashin was an enigmatic order composed of Muslim assassins that operated during the medieval period in the Middle East. This secret organization was formed by Shia Muslims who separated from a larger sect and decided to form a coalition in the late 11th century in hopes of building a utopian Shi’ite state. The Nizari did not have a large army so the group had to resort to various tactics like psychological warfare and orchestrating assassinations to accomplish their goals and defeat their enemies. While the term “assassins” refers to the medieval Nizari sect as a whole, those who actually complete the assassination missions are referred to as the “fida’i.” By using these warriors, they managed to eliminate many of the sect’s enemies, including caliphs, sultans as well as the leaders of the Crusaders of that period.

The Hashashin met its downfall at the hands of the Mongol Empire in the late 13th century, permanently losing their political power and influence as an organized sect. With the destruction of the Nizari, the remaining members of the fida’i class found a means to survive using their skillset by operating as contract killers. It is said that they charged a fixed rate for their services and were employed as mercenaries by various rulers. Records about the Nizari Ismailis has been lost or destroyed so much of what we know about them today is labeled by experts as more legend and myth than real facts.


#5 – The Brethren of Purity


The oldest and the most mysterious secret society on this list, the Brethren of Purity was formed around the 8th or 10th century by Muslim philosophers in Barsa, which is located in modern-day Iraq. Not much is known about this organization’s structure as well as the identities of its members in the past. However, they may have been followers of Shiism – a branch of the Islam religion which holds on to the belief that the prophet Muhammad had selected Ali ibn Abi Talib to succeed his position.

The Brethren of Purity followed a hierarchy with four levels: the “Craftsmen,” the Political Leaders,” the “Kings,” and the highest is the rank of “Prophets and Philosophers.” Members of the Brethren had also compiled a massive compendium titled the “Epistles of the Brethren of Purity,” which contains the organization’s esoteric teachings and philosophy on fifty-two treatises, including theology, natural sciences, mathematics and psychology.

The Brethren also strictly observed their rituals and traditions, especially on how their meetings are scheduled and how they are conducted. For example, they regularly held meetings for three evenings every month. The first meeting is set in the beginning of the month during which speeches were given. The second meeting is scheduled in the middle of the month, and it is allotted for topics about astronomy and astrology. And the third meeting is around the end of the month during which members of the order would recite hymns rich in philosophical wisdom. They also held feasts and lectures.

It cannot be said for certain whether the Brethren of Purity has completely been disbanded or if a branch of this secret society remains active to this day. At present, a large number of Muslim and Western scholars have made it their mission to identify the members of the Brethren of Purity and establish the period or century in which they were most active.



The five organizations we have just enumerated are just a few examples of dozens of mysterious secret societies that have been formed for the last thousand years. Most of these old elite orders have long been abolished or exposed, and those that remain until today no longer conduct most of their business in the shadows.

But can we say with absolute certainty that secret societies like the original Illuminati and the Hashashin no no longer exist today? It’s hard to be that confident. And even if they’re really gone for good, many contemporary elitist groups and mysterious organizations have already taken their place. They might go by different names now, but their objectives are perhaps not so different from those that came before. Maybe these faceless entities are still trying to change the world but the manner in which they try to do so has already changed as well.












5 Families that Control the World

In the name of progress, human civilization, during its period of Renaissance, began to orient its political and economic philosophies toward the establishment of financial and commercial entities. Since then, these entities have now morphed into the most powerful corporations on the face of the Earth.

But behind these large corporations and beyond the complicated framework of politics and business, there lies, according to some people, a hidden dominating force that controls the world’s political, economic and military systems. And at the helm of this unnoticeable hegemonic power, there are allegedly five influential families that constructed the current world as we know it according to their design and continues to dictate its ways without the notice of the common man.

And so, according to some historians, scholars and many conspiracy theorists, here are five of the most powerful families that control the world today.


5. The Rothschild Family

The story of the Rothschild Family is one of money, and its beginning can be traced back in the 18th century, to the rise of the financial genius that was Mayer Amschel Rothschild. From an apprentice at a small bank in Hamburg, Mayer Rothschild rose to become a prominent figure in the international transactions and manipulation of money. Eventually, he installed each of his five sons to be his agents in the five major financial centers of Europe, and their sons were also sent to other financial centers to head new offices.

Throughout the 19th century, the Rothschilds were responsible for stabilizing the currencies of major world governments, a role now fulfilled by the International Monetary Fund. While they provided important international service, they also profited heavily from it. At the height of their family’s business empire, the Rothschilds’ wealth would have been the largest single fortune in world history.

However, according to some conspiracy theorists, the Rothschilds, driven by their quest for money, have orchestrated the assassination of US Presidents and created every war since the 1800s to finance both sides and profit from such conflicts. Some even claim that the Rothschilds funded the operations of Nazi Germany and caused the Holocaust. There also those who claim that they were the true figure behind the creation of Israel.

Since then, it is believed that the Rothschild family has remained at the top of the world’s oligarchy system, and maintains a powerful and determining influence on the US Federal Reserve, and the British financial system.

4. The Rockefeller Family

In the 19th century, John Davidson Rockefeller effectively started to solidify his American empire after buying out several partners who owned Cleveland’s largest oil refinery in 1865. Later on, this became the foundation for the formation of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio in 1870, and John D. Rockefeller established a large monopoly on the industry the controlled around 90 percent of America’s pipelines and refineries. However, some historians say that labeling Standard Oil as a monopoly is an understatement, downplaying the covert and savage tactics utilized by John Rockefeller to maintain its control over American oil.

In 1911, the Rockefellers’ monopolistic oil company was broken up under anti-trust legislation, but the family continued to retain a large share of the business and continued to profit from it. According to Forbes, at the time of John D. Rockefeller’s death in 1937, his net worth amounted to as much as $340 billion in today’s money, around four times more than that of Bill Gates.

Since their financial prime in the early 20th century, the family’s wealth has dwindled down to an estimated combined net worth of $11 billion. Nevertheless, the Rockefeller family is the subject of various conspiracy theories. They allegedly committed such atrocious acts as funding the invention of the Zika virus, funding patentable pharmaceutical medical model to crush natural medicine and cures, orchestrating the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and for being the hidden force behind the destruction of the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks.

One prevailing conspiracy theory about the Rockefeller family is their association with the idea of a secret global government, called the New World Order. They have been accused of establishing institutions such as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group among other organizations to advance their interests nationally and globally.

3. The Morgan Family

Toward the end of the 19th century, John Pierpont Morgan established the J.P. Morgan & Company, a financial company that has played a prominent role in the economic history of the United States and, therefore, the whole world as well.

Panic swept the nation back in 1893 partly because the flow of the country’s surplus gold to foreign nations put the U.S. economy in danger. Following his father’s footsteps in the baking industry, Morgan seized the opportunity to save the economy by restoring the confidence in the dollar and rescuing the gold standard.  To do this, Morgan led a syndicate of bankers, which included the Rothschild, to see U.S. bonds to buy back gold from foreign investors.  

According to some people, that gold and bond exchange allowed Morgan to control the U.S. gold supply, which in turn, gave him the flexibility to finance the creation of U.S. Steel and gain control of the emerging electric light industry by forming General Electric. Morgan accomplished these feats by employing unethical and cutthroat business practices, which involved the elimination of competition, slashing jobs and reducing wages, and neglecting workplace safety – a greedy process which became known as “morganization.”

There are also those who believe that America entered World War I, not for political and policy concerns, but for the profits of the banking and munitions industries. Apparently, U.S. banks, including Morgan’s, lent over 100 times as much money to allied countries than they had to their adversaries. To protect those loans and their interests, financiers like Morgan urged the Wilson administration to aid their allies by participating in the war.

At present, rumors suggest a far-too-comfortable relationship between what is now the leading global financial services firm JPMorgan Chase & Co. and the U.S. Federal Reserve. There is even a theory that a tunnel exists connecting the two gold vaults of the New York Fed and JPM, and allegations that the Morgan family is heavily involved with war profiteering.


#2 – The DuPont Family

The Du Pont family is an American family descended from Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours, and has been one of the richest families in the country. Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours was a French economist who emigrated from France in 1800 to the United States with his sons, Victor Marie du Pont and Éleuthère Irénée du Pont.

Éleuthère Irénée du Pont initially established E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, commonly referred to as DuPont, as a gunpowder manufacturer, which eventually became a chemical empire responsible for ubiquitous inventions such as nylon, Teflon, and Kevlar, and many other polymers.

DuPont became the largest supplier of gunpowder to the U.S. military in the early 1800s, and soon enough, it began manufacturing dynamite in incredible proportions. However, its monopoly on the industry was broken up under the Sherman Antitrust Act. But just like J.P. Morgan, the Du Pont family still managed to maintain dominance over the munitions industry, having supplied nearly 40 percent of all munitions used by Allied forces during the First World War.

DuPont also played a significant role in the development of the Manhattan Project and the production of the first atomic bomb during the Second World War, designing, building and operating the Hanford plutonium producing plant in Washington. DuPont also reportedly produced as much as 4.5 billion pounds of military explosives used over the course of that war. Then in 1950, DuPont agreed to build the Savannah River Plant in South Carolina in cooperation with the effort to create a hydrogen bomb.

Rumors still circulate about DuPont’s involvement in the prohibition of hemp and cannabis in 1937 to protect its breakthrough patent for nylon and its process of using wood pulp to make paper. Since hemp could efficiently replace both products, some argue that it would have severely limited DuPont’s massive profits if it wasn’t prohibited.



#1 – The Bush Family

The Bush family is considered as among the newest family to join the world elite and began their legacy with Prescott Sheldon Bush, a US banker and senator who was accused of obscenely profiting from the Second World War, and for establishing businesses with large corporations that financed Adolf Hitler’s government.

Documents declassified in 2003 revealed that Yale University's Skull & Bones Society member Prescott Sheldon Bush – father of U.S. President George H.W. Bush and grandfather of President George W. Bush – could have been prosecuted for providing aid and comfort to the country’s enemy by engaging in nefarious business dealings prior, during, and after World War II.

As reported by The Guardian back in 2004, the National Archives documents “show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis’ plans and policies, [Prescott Bush] worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler’s rise to power.”

Prescott’s descendants have not escaped scrutiny as well, having been accused of utilizing their power during their stint as the commander-in-chief of the United States to profit from the wars the country participated in. Conspiracy theorists even went so far as to claim that George W. Bush knew of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks and used it to justify a preemptive attack on a nation that has not attacked the United States in the name of a much broader war against terrorism.

To many conspiracy theorists, these five powerful families are the puppet masters that hold the strings of the highest echelons of society. With their immense wealth, unlimited resources, and far-reaching influence, these families have been rumored to have occult satanic connections, a secret network in the gold trade, a mysterious and not-so-well-intentioned agenda, and a secret plan to establish a new world order.

Whether these accusations indeed have a grain of truth in them or not have yet to be either summarily proven or thoroughly debunked. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that there is a clear socio-economic disparity that places a great divide between the citizens of the world, and an overall political and economic climate that favors the wants of the select few over the needs of the many.

