Clues that Real-Life Portals to Other Dimensions Do Exist

Are there other realities out there aside from our own? Are there parallel dimensions lying just a thin veil beyond our own, which we could only take rare glimpses of through interdimensional portals?

The idea of parallel realities - or other dimensions that closely resemble the reality that we know of - is not entirely new to mankind. Parallel universes were once dwelled on by the likes of Greek philosophers such as Plato, and was even mathematically proposed by a Princeton University graduate student named Hugh Everett back in 1954. Not long after that, Bryce Seligman DeWitt introduced Everett’s theory to the masses, referring to it as the “Many-worlds Interpretation.”

There are many theories that attempt to answer the question of whether or not there are other planes of existence aside from the one we are in now, but at present, the thought of traveling and interacting with these parallel worlds are still relegated to nothing more than science fiction, becoming the subject of many far-fetched stories as far back as Edwin A. Abbott’s 1884 novel, “Flatland: A romance of Many Dimensions” and in modern materials like Philip K. Dick’s novel “The Man in the High Castle” and in the television program “Sliders.” In these fictional stories, we are only given a hypothetical glance to worlds like – but also not quite like – our own, but so far, it’s just not possible at the moment to physically travel to these many worlds even if they are real.

However, in pursuit of finding out whether there are other dimensions and if there are real-life portals which can be used to reach them, experts in the fields of science and the paranormal and supernatural have pointed out potential “clues” that support the theory that we are living in one of many parallel dimensions.


Ghosts & Paranormal Activity

Our First Clue – Ghost and Paranormal Activities. Many people believe that ghosts or spirits could be from some other dimension of existence, and many paranormal researchers are of the opinion that there are special locations in different parts of the world that actually serve as “doorways” from our world to another. These doorways are believed by some people to serve the not-so-obvious purpose of providing access to unusual entities that enter or want to enter our world. These entities could be the spirits or souls of the people who once lived before, or they could also be creatures of a different kind altogether. Some even believe that these “ghosts” are nothing magical, but are actually just otherworldly beings that came from and lived in another dimension.

While this sounds a little far-fetched, the idea is not as ludicrous as it sounds. Different unidentified have been seen, reported and even captured in photographs and videos in places a lot of people believe to be “portals” to the world of the spirits of the dead. These locations could have easily been labeled as “haunted” in the past because people saw inexplicable things near these places that they were not able to rationally explain. And so, these doorways, and the odd entities that pass through them, may just be the explanation that many experts have been looking for in explaining hundreds of cases of “ghost” sightings that have dumbfounded paranormal research for many, many years.

The Déjà vu Phenomenon

Second Clue – The Déjà vu Phenomenon. Some of us have had, at least once in our lifetime personally experienced déjà vu – that feeling or impression that you have previously witnessed, encountered or experienced a situation that you know should be happening for the first time. For a long time, this strange sensation has been associated to a variety of things from wilder theories such as paranormal disturbances to more medical explanations like neurological disorders. But an intriguing possibility that explains this phenomenon is the possibility that there is hidden and still-unknown connection between déjà vu and parallel universes.

According to Dr. Michio Kaku, an American futurist and theoretical physicist, parallel universes could be plausible explanation of the mysterious déjà vu phenomenon. And according to him, quantum physics has provided sufficient data that should allow us to consider and entertain the suggestion that déjà vu might occur due to a person’s special ability to “flip between universes.”

Nobel laureate Steve Weinberg likens the multiple universe theory to radio. In our universe, we are “tuned” into a specific frequency that keeps us in sync to the physical reality that we are aware of. However, in this theory, there are, as it turns our, an infinite number of parallel realities that are currently coexisting with us in the same room or place. However, we ordinarily do not possess the ability and the means to “tune into” them. These worlds are very similar with one another but each of them has a distinctive energy signature that sets all of them apart from the rest. Because the frequency of these waves are said to be proportional to their energy, this means that the waves of each world that exists at the same time are vibrating at various frequencies, which prevents them from interacting with or influencing each other.

However, when you experience déjà vu, some believe it is not completely impossible that at that exact moment, you are actually “vibrating in unison” with the frequency of another universe that is parallel with our own.


Third Clue – Dreams. For millennia, people have been curious to figure out the true meaning behind every person’s dreams. Ancient Greeks and Romans, for example, believed that dreams were actually the means used by gods to send their messages to mankind. In ancient China, dreams were thought of as a way for people to visit the realm of the dead. Many Native American tribes as well as certain Mexican civilizations, hold the belief that dreams were different worlds people visit when they sleep.

It is not uncommon for people to have recurring dreams about places they had never visited and had even heard of. Similar to the déjà vu phenomenon, perhaps it is also possible that such dreams are just momentary glimpses of what a person has experienced while in a different plane of existence or a parallel world. Sometimes, people also dream of events that have yet to transpire at the time they were dreamed but turned out to have happened at a later day or time. Such dreams may be images that were for some reason received from an alternate world, and in that reality, people are leading different lives from the people in our world.

While this is of course based on pure speculation for now, scientists have been hard at work in studying and learning more about dreams, and many of these experts have become more and more open in entertaining the theory that multiple parallel universes exist simultaneously with our own plane of existence. It may also very well be proven later on in the not-so distant future that some of the mysterious and special dreams that we have dreamed and will continue to dream about could be crude glimpses of parallel worlds that possibly exist just right next to or simultaneously with our own reality.

Gravity & Black Holes

Finally, the Fourth and Final Clue on our list – Gravity and Black Holes. As far as what modern science tells us, we all live in four dimensions, three of which are of space and one is of time. Physicists also taught us about the four forces that control the way that particles interact with each other – electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravity. Out of all of them, gravity is by far the weakest, and it is a mystery to modern science why that is so.

According to some physicists, one possibility that answers this question is that we are just only experiencing a fraction of gravity, with the rest of its force existing partly in separate dimension or in many extra dimensions that we still cannot perceive. Though entertaining the idea of extra dimensions may seem to qualify in the realm of science fiction, proving its existence could explain why the universe is expanding faster than expected, and why gravity is weaker than the other forces of nature.

One theory of particle physics suggests that there are several extra dimensions, and black holes might be the key to reaching them, and this means that black holes could be portals to other universes. The speculation over the existence of these extra dimensions have gone beyond theory, with researchers using the Large Hardon Collider at CERN in Geneva to look for signs of extra dimensions by creating tiny black holes. However, exactly when the LHC might find the evidence it needs to prove the existence of extra dimensions and the portals that lead to them remains uncertain.

Are we really just one of many alternate realities stacked upon one another? And if multiple dimensions do exist, are there portals that make shifting and travelling to planes of existence other than our own possible? The answers are elusive, and experts, believers and skeptics alike may continue to pour over and debate them forever.

Nevertheless, there will always be those who will continue to look out into our universe and perhaps even within ourselves for such answers, for as long as there is the probability and possibility that worlds beyond our own exist somewhere out there or even in our midst.

5 Real Life Stories of Teleportation


Teleportation – the ability to travel vast distances within the blink of an eye – has captured mankind’s imagination for centuries. The concept of “teleporting” from one place to another is familiar to anyone who reads or watches science fiction, such as in the “Star Trek” fictional universe, where both people and objects can instantaneously be “beamed” up to a starship or “beamed” down on an uncharted planet.  The very idea of teleportation has an irresistible allure, and humanity’s interest on the subject matter has gone beyond the boundaries of fiction and is being seriously pursued by science in recent years as a serious topic of exploration and study.

Making teleportation a possibility in the real world is an amazing feat that can only be achieved through means beyond our current understanding. However, there are many bizarre cases and mind-bending stories that suggest that not only is human teleportation possible, it has, in fact, already occurred and has been occurring for many years. Stories of people mysteriously teleporting to distant places go very far back into history and continue even in modern times. The nature of these alleged teleportation cases involves interdimensional portals, enigmatic doorways that provide access to the fabric of reality itself, the bending of the rules of physics as we currently understand them, or through some unexplainable force that is beyond our comprehension.

There are many reported cases of alleged real-life teleportation that took place in different points of human history, but for now, here are five of them.


5. Gil Perez, the Teleportation Man

The story of Gil Perez dates back to the 16th century when he was serving as a Spanish soldier and palace guard of the Governor’s Palace in Manila. He was just a regular soldier until the morning of October 24, 1593, when something strange happened. Tired due to lack of sleep and the warm weather, Perez decided to take a short nap and leaned against the palace wall. When he opened his eyes, he was stunned to find himself in an unknown location. When it was explained to him that he was in Mexico City, he refused to believe that it was true, knowing it was impossible for him to be in Mexico City on the evening of October 24th when he had received his orders in Manila on the morning of October 23rd.

Perez was questioned extensively by the Holy Tribunal of the Inquisition, and he told authorities that he had traveled from Manila to Mexico “in less time than it takes a cock to crow.” He revealed that he knew he was no longer in Manila and that the night before, he also knew for a fact that governor general of the Philippines had been assassinated. However, the members of the Spanish Inquisition did not believe his story and had him imprisoned for desertion. For two months, Perez was locked up in a jail in Mexico City until a Manila merchant ship arrived from the Philippines. The crew shared the news about the Governor’s assassination, just as Perez had described it a couple of months earlier. Even stranger, one of the passengers on the ship recognized Perez and swore that he had seen the soldier in the Philippines marching at the palace garrison on October 23rd. And so, the Holy Tribunal of the Inquisition in Mexico had no other choice but to accept Perez’s story, release him from jail, and send him back to the Philippines.


4. The Bi-Location of the Mary Jesus of Agreda


The Venerable Mary Jesus of Agreda was a Franciscan abbess and spiritual writer, who was known especially for her extensive correspondence with King Philip IV of Spain and reports of her bi-location between Spain and its colonies in New Spain, which is now known as New Mexico and Texas. Although she was never known to have left her Spanish convent, it has been officially determined that, between 1620 and 1631, she made over five hundred trips to convert the Jumano Indians of New Mexico as members of the Roman Catholic Church.

Initially, the Catholic Church treated Mary Jesus of Agreda as delusional and heavily discredited claims of her teleportation. However, the missionaries in the New World and the Indians themselves supported these fantastical claims. For example, in 1622, a New World missionary named Father Alonzo de Benavides wrote a letter to Pope Urban VIII and Philip IV of Spain that someone was already actively converting the Jumano Indians long before he had arrived in the area. When the Indians were asked where they have learned about Christianity, they claimed that it was shown to them by a European “lady in blue,” and that this mysterious woman had provided them with crucifixes and a chalice that seemed to have come from the convent of Mary Jesus at Agreda.


3. The Teleportation Power of Carlos Mirabelli

Carlos Mirabelli was a Brazilian physical medium and spiritualist from Sao Paulo, Brazil. He was quite well-known for his ability to perform various seemingly supernatural feats, such as levitation and telekinesis, but the most impressive ability he possessed was arguably his spontaneous teleportation.

In 1926, Mirabelli was about to board a train traveling from Sao Paulo to the port of Santos with some friends when one of his companions saw Mirabelli walk towards the platform and vanish into thin air. In the middle of the day and in front of dozens of witnesses, he faded in a foggy haze as if he were slowly getting erased from existence.

Mirabelli’s friends were surprised at his sudden spontaneous vanishing, but things got even stranger when a station master approached them 15 minutes later telling them that they had a call from Mirabelli himself. When his friends spoke to him on the phone, he claimed that he was suddenly in the town of Sao Vincente, which was 56 miles away from the train’s destination. He also claimed that he practically instantaneously transported there, having realized after his supposed materialization that only 2 minutes had passed from when he disappeared at the train station in Sao Paulo.


2. The Sudden Disappearance of the Vidals

A well-known and controversial case of human teleportation supposedly took place in 1968, when a Dr. Geraldo Vidal and his wife, Raffo de Vidal, allegedly teleported a large distance along with their entire car.

In May 1968, the couple was reportedly driving their vehicle along a remote, rural road in Chascomus, a province of Buenos Aires in Argentina, when they were suddenly enveloped by a thick fog. The Vidals allegedly failed to make it to their destination on time, and family members and authorities went on to search for the couple in the road they had taken but no trace of them was found. 48 hours later, Geraldo Vidal called the family to inform them that he and his wife were safe but for some reason unknown to them, they were in Mexico City, which was 6,400 km away from where they were driving in Argentina.

Geraldo Vidal would later claim that they had no recollection of what occurred in the last 48 hours that they had disappeared without a trace. All they knew was that they encountered a strange, heavy fog before everything turned black. When they came to, they found themselves parked along an unfamiliar road and felt pain in their necks. When they alighted from the car, the vehicle looked like it had been burned, as if it was badly damaged by a blowtorch. This story is not only a case of real-life teleportation but is also one of the most talked about cases within the realm of UFOlogy and Forteana.


1. The Doorways or Vortices Discovered by Al Kiessig

Some cases of teleportation involve passing through doors or portals that transport people through space and possibly even time, and one such case is the claims made by Al Kiessig about his alleged discovery of doorways to distant places.

In 1971, Al Kiessig claimed that he had uncovered several doorways or vortices in the states of Missouri and Arkansas, which supposedly allowed for instantaneous teleportation from one place to another by traveling through other dimensions. According to Kiessig, each door is different. One could walk through these doorways and instantaneously find themselves several miles away from where they had entered. There are also vortices that take people back to the past or into the future. There are even doorways that supposedly lead to distant stars.

What do we make of these alleged cases of real-life teleportation? Can these stories be easily dismissed as mere hallucinations or flights of fancy, or is there something bigger at work in these cases that are currently beyond our limited reason and understanding? But if there is a chance that we can slip through the crack of reality and shift through space to instantaneously travel from one place to another, how can it be done?

These questions will perhaps forever remain unanswered, and the reality of real-life teleportation of a human being may continue to remain on the outer fringes of the scientific horizon. Nevertheless, these stories and accounts still leave us much to speculate about and think on. And the answer to unlocking the secrets of teleportation may someday be revealed to us, given that modern science is currently in pursuit of understanding the real concepts and theories that might make teleportation a reality.

5 REAL Places That Could Be PORTALS To Another DIMENSION

We live in a world full of tales and myths of wonder and mystery. Some of these stories are nothing more than the impressive work of our human imagination, while others are founded on mankind’s creative attempt to make sense of things that are beyond people’s existing knowledge and understanding of a particular time. But, of course, there are also those that are not completely far-fetched from being true, and given our curious nature and our openness to consider a limitless array of possibilities, some of us consider these myths and legends quite believable, if not as undeniably true.

And since we’re on the topic of plausible conjecture, I would like to talk about an enduring speculation by some people that are getting more and more support from the scientific community and is just waiting for an acceptable empirical evidence in order to be confirmed. I am referring to the hypothesis that there could be actual portals on our planet that could potentially lead to other worlds or dimensions.

The widespread conversation and debate regarding where or not there are such things as parallel worlds or other dimensions and that there could be portals located in different parts of the globe which lead to them are not a recent development. The idea of parallel universes and various planes of existence have been entertained by the brightest minds of our ancient past and can be gleaned from deep-rooted spiritual practices and religious beliefs. But in our modern era, some people have even gone so far as to identify which areas on the face of the earth are currently hiding actual portals, stargates or passageways which grant mortal men access to worlds and dimensions beyond our own.

And so, without further ado, here are five real places on Earth that could be portals to other dimensions.   

Abu Ghurab - Egypt

Located south of Cairo, Egypt and situated on the rim of the desert plateau on the western bank of the longest river in the world, the Nile, the Abu Ghurab or “the crow’s nest” is an archaeological site comprising of the sun temples of the pharaohs Nyuserre Ini and Userkaf, both of which were built in the 25th century BCE during the Egyptian period of the Old Kingdom.

The site is regarded as one of the most precious ancient treasures of Egypt and is arguably one of the most amazing archaeological locations on the planet. But more than these glorifying labels, it is also believed by some people that this site is home to one of the oldest stargates that can be found across the globe. Somewhere within Abu Ghurab, an ancient platform crafted from alabaster was uncovered. Alabaster is a gemstone made of calcite regarded by ancient Egyptians as the precious stone of the sun gods, and was thought to be in sync with the vibrations of the Earth. And so, it is believed that the site of Abu Ghurab was actually constructed for the purpose of elevating people’s spiritual awareness which consequently allowed them to communicate and link with the sacred energies of the universe, known as the Neters.

What’s interesting about the idea of communicating with the Neters through vibrations is that it is quite similar with the oral legends of Cherokee Native Americans which speak of formless “thought beings” that would travel to Earth from the Pleiades star cluster by riding sound waves. Add this to the speculation that advanced technology was used to construct the site, it is not surprising that this ancient Egyptian location is considered to be a possible portal to another world or dimension.  

Sedona Vortexes - Arizona, USA

Sedona is a city located somewhere in the northern Verde Valley expanse of the state of Arizona. At one point, this area was referred to by the Native American tribes as Nawanda, and regarded it as a sacred city. It is believed that that red rocks of the city’s desert are “spiritually charged,” and that there is a high concentration of “spiritual vortices” in this region.

A vortex is an area of highly-concentrated energy that rises from the earth, and these “vortexes” are thought to be portals or passageways for celestial beings and terrestrial spirits. For those who believe in the existence of these vortexes, they can tell that they have encountered one when they sense vibrations from the ground and they feel a range of tingling sensation on their skin, particularly on the nape of the neck and the shoulder blades. New Age proponents believe that Sedona has these power spots and vortexes in abundance, making the mountains of Arizona the home of the purported “doorway to the gods” that transports beings to and from another time and space. This is also the reason why Sedona is a very popular destination for people with spiritual and metaphysical interests.  

Ancient Stone Arrangement - Michigan, USA

Back in 2007, while scientists were looking to examine old boat wrecks, they discovered a Stonehenge-like stone structures standing on the floor of Lake Michigan, near Transverse City in the state of Michigan in the United States. These structures were discovered by Mark Holly, a professor of underwater archaeology at Northwestern Michigan University, and are believed to be 9,000 years old. Another interesting detail about the archaeological find is that one of its stones had a carving of a mastodon – an elephant-like creature that became extinct more than 10,000 years ago.

The exact location of the stone structures has not been disclosed to the public by the researchers who discovered the archaeological site out of respect to the local Native American tribes who want to limit the number of people visiting the area. Although the exact age and archaeological relevance of the Stonehenge-like site is still heavily debated by mainstream scientists until now, some people believe that the ancient stone arrangement could be a stargate or a portal since the area is also known for the mysterious disappearances of boats and ships that sailed on the lake. Some of these boats have completely vanished along with its crew while others stayed afloat on its waters for days. However, the people aboard them, for some unknown reason, turned out to have disappeared without a trace.

Stonehenge - Wiltshire, England

It’s safe to say that the Stonehenge is one of the most popular ancient rock structures in the world, and it is also no secret that this famous tourist destination in the United Kingdom has been the subject of intense debate over the date of when it was built as well as the true purpose it served after its construction.

Mainstream historians will tell you that this bizarre rock formation was built around 5,000 years in the past. As for how it was constructed, they say that they were built partly from bluestones and that these stones were excavated and transported from a quarry site located 240 miles away. On the other hand, less conventional experts will tell you that the Stonehenge is much older than the first settlements that were established in the area 5,000 years ago, with some going so far as to claim that the ancient site is actually an energy portal. It is believed by some people that the location of the Stonehenge has a strategic and spiritual significance because 14 ley lines converge to where the rock structures stand, which, consequently, form a powerful vortex.

While this theory may seem like a bit of a stretch, there is one story in the late 20th century that somehow supports the suggestion that the Stonehenge could be a stargate or a portal. In August 1971, a group of people at the ancient site suddenly vanished following the sudden formation of a violent storm and the successive appearance of several bolts of lightning from the sky. Later, when a policeman passed by the site, not a single person was found in the vicinity of the Stonehenge other than a few tents and a soaked campfire.

Gate of the Gods - Hayu Marca, Peru

Back in 1996, local tour guide Jose Luis Delgado Mamani accidentally rediscovered an ancient site situated in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca and near the mountain-filled region of Hayu Brand in Peru while he was exploring the area for his job. The region itself is venerated by the local natives as the “city of the gods” and researchers are of the opinion that several monuments could be uncovered beneath its surface.

What Mamani found in this sacred area, in particular, is a gigantic door-like carving on the face of the Hayu Marca Mountain, and is referred to as “Puerta de Hayu Marca,” which when translated in English means “The Gate to the Gods.” The colossal “gate” measures 22 feet by 22 feet, or seven meters tall and seven meters wide. A smaller “doorway” can be found in the center of the gate at its base, which is only 6.5 feet or two meters high.

According to Native American legends, the Puerta de Hayu Marca is the “gateway to the lands of the gods,” and that heroic mortals pass through the smaller door to meet the gods in their realm or domain. Consequently, by passing through the doorway, these heroes are granted immortality and get to live among the gods. The larger gate, on the other hand, was used by the gods themselves when they occasionally accompanied the immortal men in instances that they returned to Earth to visit their kingdoms.

There is also another legend that tells the tale of Aramu Maru, an Incan priest who served in the temple of the Seven Rays. As the story goes, Aramu Maru fled the temple in the 16th century to escape from the Spanish conquerors that arrived in Peru. He brought along with him a magical golden disk referred to as the “Key of the Gods of the Seven Rays.” He headed for the mountain of Hayu Marca where he performed a ritual with Shaman priests to open the smaller doorway of the Gate of the Gods. Vibrant blue light shone through the tunnel, and when Amaru Maru passed through it, he vanished from the face of the Earth and is believed to have traveled to the realm of the gods, never to be seen again.

I may have only listed five actual ancient sites that could contain portals or stargates that lead to other worlds and dimensions, but there are probably dozens, if not hundreds, of these otherworldly gateways spread across the globe. Who knows? There might be a portal hiding somewhere inside your own home, maybe even in your closet! But if, on the off-chance that you do stumble upon an actual stargate to another world or a passageway to the realm of celestial beings, will you dare to pass through it out of amazement and sheer curiosity? If so, what do you think could be waiting for you on the other side?
