NASA to Disclose Aliens Exist?

When NASA's Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, Thomas Zurbuchen, recently said “...we are on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented, discoveries in history,” the hacktivist group Anonymous took this out of context, exciting many people with a video claiming NASA will finally disclose the existence of aliens. Dr. Zurbuchen replied to this on Twitter:

"Contrary to some reports, there’s no pending announcement from NASA regarding extraterrestrial life." - @Dr_ThomasZ

So it seems this recent news is not so important as people were led to believe. However, NASA astronauts have actually already been sharing their experiences of UFO's for a long time now. 

NASA Astronaut Whistle Blowers

The existence of aliens and government cover-ups have been some of the hottest topics on the internet practically since it was created and people all over the world have shared their experiences and thoughts on the matter. While anonymous internet users may not be credible or believable, United States astronauts who actually flew into space and have reports documenting their experiences have some very revealing quotes. 

Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Pilot, the Sixth Astronaut on the Moon, a UFO-ologist and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences

"I've changed my position in the last two or three years - the last two years to be precise - to suggest that the evidence is strong enough that we really need to have serious open discussion and release of information that it is quite clear the government and other governments do hold, and that this become a part of our official knowledge... Now, whether it's true or not, it deserves to be handled with a serious investigation. There is too much smoke here not to be fire, and so I personally in the last couple of years have come out - I don't know the answers, but I've come out - and I say, this has gone far enough. If it's real, let's get it out in the open; let's break the deadlock that bureaucracy has on this. There is enough evidence pointing in the direction that clearly there is information being withheld. How far we can go with it, I don't know."

Major Gordon Cooper, One of the Original Seven Astronauts Participating in NASA's Project Mercury and the Last American to Fly in Space Alone

"For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public. 

Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means."

NASA Distraction & Cover-Up?

While NASA has been launching project after project over the years in a continual supposed search for extra-terrestrial life on distant planets in other solar systems, they indirectly deny finding any so far, including in our own solar system, or even right here in Earth's atmosphere.

“While we’re excited about the latest findings from NASA’s Kepler space observatory, there’s no pending announcement regarding extraterrestrial life. For years NASA has expressed interest in searching for signs of life beyond Earth. We have a number of science missions that are moving forward with the goal of seeking signs of past and present life on Mars and ocean worlds in the outer solar system. While we do not yet have answers, we will continue to work to address the fundamental question, ‘are we alone?’” - Laurie Cantillo, NASA Lead Communications Specialist

So why is NASA denying the existence of UFO's and aliens when their own astronauts present contrary eyewitness accounts? Are the expensive interstellar NASA projects really just for gathering information about the nature of the universe and finding distant planets to occupy? Is NASA making secret deals with extra-terrestrial civilizations and using their projects as a front to enable continual development? 

What do you think?