Photos Reveal Evidence of INVISIBLE CREATURES: Sky Fish, Rods, Solar Entities


By Epoch Times

Wherever a camera may appear, the Rods may lay in silent wait. The jury’s out on whether they are the product of photographic illusion or genuine unidentified organic entities.

Fast, elusive, and virtually invisible. Beings that fly, in some cases even swim, and that surround us if only we could see—they are as ethereal as the air itself. Known as “Rods,” “Sky Fish” or “Solar Entities,” these photographic anomalies have been a mystery since the Mexican film director José Escamilla presumably discovered them in 1994.

While Escamilla was recording a documentary in Midway, New Mexico—just outside Roswell—he discovered what looked like strange life-forms appearing frequently throughout the film. They were off-white in color and oblong in shape, dashing through the picture and interfering with the artistic goal of the director.

Later, Escamilla employed a more detailed analysis—a specially developed filming protocol—to produce “smoking-gun” video evidence. Escamilla believes that the insects were a heretofore-unknown form of organic life, only perceptible through cameras.

Thus, the phenomenon of the Rod was born.


Around the World

With news of Escamilla’s finding, film aficionados around the world quickly set out to discover their own Rods in photographs and videos. The purported life-forms seemed to appear with regularity, in contrast to the majority of orbs (which are often dismissed as dust) or other pseudo-cryptoids that enthusiasts had been accustomed to. Rods were uniquely photogenic and filmed extensively, but not one of them could be seen with the naked eye.

Volcano, mexico, Zero Point Energy, ZPE, Mars, UFO, UFOs, sighting, sightings, news, video, Mexico,, government,3.png

New Mexico, Indiana, Connecticut, in the films of the Iraq War—when pictures were examined closely, every camera seemed to have discovered more and more of these strange creatures. Even during the filming of Mel Gibson’s “Braveheart,” it is said, the Rods seemed to have left their mark.


Rods, Quasi-Beings

As the years passed, the Rod phenomenon began to catch more attention from Ufologists as scientific skeptics showed an interest. As evidence of these specimens grew, a catalog of their anatomy, “physiology,” flying strategy, and countless other details became an obsession for hundreds of Rod investigators around the world.

Flying rods 6.jpg

Based on their proximity to other elements in the images, the creatures were found to be from a few inches to 3 feet in length. All possessed a fine membrane on both sides of the body that facilitated their travel through the air like a cuttlefish; and they all moved at apparently “supersonic” speeds, such that they could only be captured on certain grades of film, at velocities not visible to the human eye.

Some people even alleged to understand the secrets behind these miniature shooting stars, affording them supernatural powers, with origins from parallel universes. The History Channel added to rod lore earlier this year as the channel’s “Monster Quest” program labeled the phenomenon “creatures from the fourth dimension.”

As the Rod fervor continued, even Escamilla himself, once believing that the strange shapes were simply insects or birds, began to re-examine whether these creatures could really be something otherworldly.


Fall of the Rod, Rise of the Moth

Yet despite so much film of these flying creatures, much of the evidence was unable to prove that Rods were anything more than optical phenomena caused by the cameras themselves. Skeptics argued that the photos and videos were merely a product of optical illusions, and insisted that the phenomena failed to materialize any concrete proof of existence.


Some debunkers demonstrated how the rapid passing of large insects in front of cameras produced a union effect among two, three, or more trajectories of the same insect, giving the optical impression of a long body with various pairs of wings. In 2005, investigators in Jilin, China, unmasked numerous Rods they had monitored on a security camera, which turned out to be nothing more than run-of-the-mill moths.

However, not all of the evidence from the Rod phenomenon can be so easily explained. In fact, many cryptozoologists and Ufologists say that other footage that features rods taken from ultraviolet or infrared cameras can’t be so easily dismissed as being optical illusions or common insects.

As evidence continues to be collected and reviewed, many await the proof that will either legitimize the existence of these mysterious creatures or reveal a photographic fluke that made imaginations run wild.

Former NASA Astronaut: UFO's Are Real!

Apollo 14 Astronauts, (F–R) Alan B. Shepard, Jr., Stuart Roosa, and Edgar Mitchell stand on a lunar module mock-up in 1970. Edgar Mitchell told a UK radio that UFOs are real and that governments have been keeping it a secret. (NASA/Getty Images)

Apollo 14 Astronauts, (F–R) Alan B. Shepard, Jr., Stuart Roosa, and Edgar Mitchell stand on a lunar module mock-up in 1970. Edgar Mitchell told a UK radio that UFOs are real and that governments have been keeping it a secret. (NASA/Getty Images)

By James Burke

A veteran of the Apollo 14 mission has said that UFOs visit earth and have made contact with mankind. 

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who in 1971 became the sixth man to walk on the moon, told British radio station Kerrang! on Thursday, July 24 that, “We have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real, though it has been covered up by our governments for a very long time.”

“There’s more nonsense out there about [UFO's] than there is real knowledge, but it is a real phenomenon—it has been well covered up by all of our governments for the last 60 years or so but slowly it has leaked out—and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.” 

In the interview, Dr. Mitchell referred to the infamous Roswell incident of 1947 where it is believed by some that the U.S. Government covered up the crash and subsequent salvage of an alien craft.

“I have been deeply involved in certain committees and certain research programmes with very credible scientists and intelligence people that do know the real inside story and I am not hesitant to talk about it,” he said.  
“There is quite a bit of contact going on—I can’t tell you because I don’t know all the extent of it, I don’t know all the inside details because that isn’t really my main interest—but we do know we have been visited, that the Roswell crash was real, and a number of other contacts have been real and ongoing…” 

The main incidents, he said, have been taking place since World War Two. 

Dr Mitchell said that public awareness of it is increasing and that there are fewer efforts by governments to cover up incidents or create misinformation.

“I think we are heading towards a major disclosure on this and serious organisations are heading in that direction,” he said.

He stated that well over 70 percent of the U.S. public believed as fact the visitation to earth by UFOs and that people on the inside who know of this information now feel less threatened in speaking out about what they know.  

And what do these extraterrestrials look like?

“You have seen some of the pictures—well, the pictures that I know of, some of them are these little people that look strange to us … from what I know from my contacts who have had contact that is pretty accurate,” he said.

Dr Mitchell is not the only former astronaut to come forward about UFOs.

Colonel Gordon Cooper, an astronaut in Project Mercury—the first U.S. manned-space effort, is on record saying he witnessed a formation of metallic saucer-shaped UFOs at high altitude over central Europe in 1951.

Seven years later Colonel Cooper had another experience when he oversaw the processing of film footage taken of a UFO saucer which landed on a dry lake bed in California. He said footage was sent to Washington and nothing of it was heard of again.

According to The Independent, Colonel Cooper gave testimony at a U.N. hearing on UFOs in 1978.

Russian Boy Reveals Past Life Experience on Ancient Mars


Boriska Kipriyanovich was discovered in 2003 at age 7 during a camping trip when he revealed memories he had from a past life on Mars and Lemuria long, long ago. He also warned of a catastrophic event, like a global flood, that he believed would happen on Earth in 2009 and 2013. He was featured in Russian media until news spread to the west. 

Boriska's parents say he remarkably began speaking when he was just a few months old. He could read, write, and draw when he was just 2 years old, and he talked about alien civilizations. Boriska began reading latin astronomy books when he was 4 years old. 

According to him, when he lived on Mars it was damaged by nuclear war and he was a spaceship pilot but not the cliche disk-shaped flying saucers powered by plasma turbines.

They were "airplane type. They were triangular. There were ships like a drop," said Boriska. Ships with plasma engines were limited to travel only in the solar system on high speed. The ships in a shape of a drop were carrying other ships."

He even used space portals. "Portal is the same like teleport. It slows down time and opens a kind of portal where time is speeding up fast... I can't say exactly. It opens on one side and in a few seconds or even minutes if the transfer is far away, it opens in another area of space.

Martians were 7 feet tall, live underground, breathe carbon dioxide, and are immortals that stop aging at 35 years old. There were different Martian races that fought against each other with different weapons and developed cultural differences since they stopped communicating and trading with each other. 


Supposedly, the ancient Martians had strong relations with Earth's ancient Egyptians and traveled between the two. He believes there's Great Sphinx of Egypt can be unlocked from behind an ear, which can change the world. 

There was a Jupiter Project to turn Jupiter into a second sun by sending capsules of some kind of energy or bombs but the wars on Mars interrupted this. During this war, everyone on Mars was killed and their souls were saved into special crystal Merkabas that could transport the souls to Earth and elsewhere, but some were broken. Boriska learned some of these things from a kind of Martian internet. 


...WOW! No wonder Elon Musk is trying so hard to get to Mars. This is a fascinating story with lots of information truth-seekers can cross-checking with other known information, such as pyramids and face monuments on Mars. What do you think about this? Let us know with your comments below. 


5 Ancient Technologies Way Ahead of Their Time

The ancient world is full of wonders that the modern age cannot compete with. The great civilizations, the larger than life monuments, and the fascinating stories told about an age gone by has been the subject of many movies, documentaries, and studies. Who could argue against the revolutionary system of the aqueducts that the Romans introduced that was the precursor to modern-day irrigation? Who could introduce something much better than the discoveries and theories posed by Aristotle that became the cornerstone of what we know today as the study of Physics?

While the modern age does have technology that brings information to us faster than lightning, we should not fail to remember that it was the ancient world that opened the doors to the advancements we have today.

Doors that, in some ways, are considered too advanced for a civilization that we believed to be quite Paleolithic compared to our century. Who would think that people in the ancient world would be able to invent an early concept of an aircraft thousands of years before the first Wright Brothers prototype left land?


#5 — The Baghdad Battery


Let’s start off with one of the most famous archeological finds on the subject. Discovered in the 1930s in a region called Khujut Rubu’a just outside Baghdad, the so-called “Baghdad Battery” was a wonder to behold considering that electricity and its uses would not have been discovered 2000 years after these batteries came into existence.


The batteries discovered consisted of a clay jar with an asphalt stopper. Through the center of the stopper ran an iron rod that was surrounded by a copper cylinder inside the jar. It is believed that if the jar was filled with an electrolytic solution like vinegar or lemon juice, the battery would be able to produce at least 1.1 volts of electricity.

A volt may not be enough to power a home or a machine that relied on electricity, but archeologists and historians believe that it may have been used for purposes of electroplating since artifacts with very thin layers of gold and silver have also been unearthed in digs; artifacts that may reinforce the notion that the batteries were ancient power tools.

On the other side of the spectrum, some experts disagree that the Baghdad Batteries are, in fact, “batteries” since they found no conclusive evidence as to where they might be used or what they might be used for.

Some scholars claim that the jars were more likely to be a sophisticated means of keeping scrolls and papyri and that the acidic residue found at the bottom of the clay jars were nothing more than decomposed scrolls and papyri. Whatever the claim, the Baghdad Batteries still confound and astound historians and archeologists to this very day.


#4 — Central Heating

The Greeks were pioneers on almost anything you can conceive of that helped build Western Civilization and among those was the technology for central heating. It may sound trivial and inconsequential when compared to the Grecian contributions in mathematics, science, and philosophy but the idea of such a technology is quite remarkable given that even the concept of it is something unheard of at that time.

Called by the ancient Greeks as hypocaust or “under burnt,” the technology was first employed in the Temple of Ephesus in 350 BC. Later on, the trend caught on, and it was the Romans who managed to apply it on a larger scale from their temples to the homes of the wealthy, to the public baths, and to government buildings.

The hypocaust was created by making a structure just beneath the floor of a building. This structure would consist of pillars that would raise the structure's floor. On top of these pillars would be tiles that are covered in a layer of concrete; above it is the floor of the building itself. A furnace would then be lit, and the combination of hot air and smoke would rise and be trapped in the space between the floors. To heat multiple levels of a building, the smoke would find its way through a series of clay flues that act as pipes. What’s even more ingenious about how the Romans used the hypocaust is they built bronze ventilators that could be used to regulate temperatures.

If this system sounds too labor intensive and expensive, it’s because it is. Slave laborers would have to constantly maintain the fire at just the right temperature and the right level of comfort for people in the building or home.


#3 — Antikythera Mechanism

Recovered in a shipwreck in 1901, the Antikythera Mechanism was among several other, heavily crusted artifacts salvaged from the sea. The Mechanism is of particular interest because of its more than complicated construction. 

Taking years of research by experts and studies about Babylonian records on eclipses, it was later confirmed that the Antikythera Mechanism was the world’s first computer.

The Mechanism features a fixed ring dial on its front face that is called the ecliptic or the twelve zodiac signs that are equally marked off on 30-degree sectors. This construction closely resembles the Babylonian method of assigning 1/12 of the elliptic to each sign despite the fact that constellation boundaries were quite variable.

Outside of the ring dial, the device uniquely features a rotating ring that marks the days and months of the Egyptian calendar.

The Antikythera Mechanism closely resembles a modern-day clock with a large circular front face and a knob on its side which manipulates winding parts. When the knob is turned, at least seven different clock hands – one for the moon, one for the sun, and five for the five planets that the Greeks were able to see - would move and display the celestial time. Not only did the device show which stars rose and set on a given date but also the phases of the moon.

It was an extremely complicated device, and even though its pieces have given clues and ideas of how it worked, experts can only guess how it was put together with its highly intricate system of gears inside.


#2 — Ancient Seismoscope


Earthquakes are one of nature’s most unpredictable forces, and scientists have been trying to crack the mystery of foreseeing an oncoming tremor with little results for nearly 2000 years. However, the answer to their quandary may well be in a device used by a man named Zhang Heng in 132 AD.


This ancient seismoscope was able to detect earthquakes from long distances, and it was also able to predict, with an almost pinpoint accuracy, which direction the tremors are. Even more remarkable is the fact that the device was able to detect earthquakes in areas even when no tremors are felt.

The construction of the device looked fairly simple and can be mistaken for a large vase or urn. It was made of bronze and was six feet in diameter. Around the body of the device were eight dragon heads, each marking the main directions of a compass; each dragon had a small ball clamped in its mouth. Sitting directly beneath the dragons were eight toads with their mouths open towards the dragons.

When a tremor happened, one dragon would drop its ball into the gaping toad indicating where the earthquake was. In one story in 138 AD, the seismoscope detected tremors west of Luoyang, but no one sensed the slightest movement there. A few days later, a messenger from the region brought news of an earthquake which proved the device’s accuracy to the people of the time.

To this day, there is no clear understanding of how Zhang Heng’s device worked. In 2005, a group of scientists recreated the device with supporting theories and discovered that it worked as well as modern seismometers; something that, no doubt, surprised them.

#1 — Ancient Flying Machines of Egypt and South America


There are two separate stories that suggest a mind-blowing conclusion: the ancient Egyptians and the early civilization of South America had flight technology that predates the machines of Leonardo Da Vinci and the Wright Brothers.


If we are going to talk about technology that is way ahead of its time, then planes and flying machines take the top spot on this list. For thousands of years, mankind has pondered on the idea of flying and how he may be able to do it one day. From Greek philosophers to stories like the tale of Daedalus and Icarus, the flight has been one of the things man has been obsessed with before the invention of the first aircraft. 

In South America, the idea that they may have had an early concept of a flying machine came in the form of the jewelry produced by the Chimu culture, now Colombia, 2000 years ago. In one design, a pendant was crafted in the shape of, what looks like, a modern-day aircraft with a cockpit, delta wings, and tail fins. However, considering that the Chimu took their design inspiration from birds, it is highly unlikely that they have created a machine but having such a design that echoes a modern-day aircraft does command a little bit of merit.

In Egypt, there is also a similar case. A wooden falcon was discovered after it was unearthed in Saqqara by an Egyptian doctor name Khalil Messiha. He claimed that the device had exceptional flight properties and characteristics. Unfortunately, Messiah's claims were exaggerated and over-inflated until the wooden toy was held as an example. As experts dug a little deeper, the wooden carving was discovered to resemble wind vanes used on masts of Egyptian riverboats. 

Though there still needs more light to be shed on this and whether or not these so-called machines are real or just the product of creativity, what is fascinating is that given some ancient technologies that have been unearthed over the years from ancient batteries to seismoscopes, a flying machine is not that far-fetched.


The Most Mysterious Ancient Temples Ever Built

Ancient temples are structures that served spiritual or religious purposes for our ancestors who practiced certain old religions like Hinduism or Buddhism. Countless of these ancient temples, which have been built centuries and even thousands of years ago, can be found in different parts of the globe. While these structures are highly-regarded today for their stunning beauty and their cultural significance, there are those among us who see these temples mainly as an enigma.

Some experts in history and archaeology are impressed at the obvious complexity required to build these ancient temples. And considering that they were made at a time when people did not have the luxury, efficiency and precision of modern technology, it is a wonder how our ancestors achieved such a feat that some consider being next to impossible. 

However, aside from the glaring question of how these ancient temples were built, these structures are also a subject of several other mysteries involving their origins, the real and unknown purpose of their construction, and so much more.

And so for this video, let’s talk about five (5) of the most mysterious ancient temples ever built on Earth. 


#1 — The Konark Sun Temple in India

Situated in Orissa, India, this 13th-century Sun Temple is said to have been built by King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty back in 1255 C.E. What’s interesting about this temple complex is that it is constructed to emulate the shape of a massive chariot, and the temple’s 24 elaborately carved wheels which are pulled by seven horses are some of its most distinctive features. These wheels are believed to function as sundials, which can be utilized in the precise and accurate calculation of time through the shadows cast by the wheels’ spokes. 

The majority of the Konark Sun Temple is now in ruins, and local legend asserts that the collapse of the main sanctum was caused by the extraction of the 52-ton magnetized rod located at its center. They also say that this large magnet allowed for the mid-air levitation of the sun temple’s main statue.


#2 — The Temple of the Feathered Serpent Temple in Mexico

This is the third largest pyramid in Teotihuacan, a pre-Columbian cultural complex located in central Mexico. The temple’s construction dates back to 200 AD, and its six-level step pyramid is made from hundreds of sculpted stone blocks and largely features the earliest-known representations of a Mesoamerican “feathered serpent” deity, often associated with the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. 
The Temple of the Feathered Serpent Temple is filled with many mysteries, the most notable of which is the discovery of more than a hundred sacrificial burials at the site. It is believed that these victims were sacrificed as a dedication of the temple, and the way the bodies were grouped and buried has been the subject of much speculation. In 2011, researchers from the National University of Mexico also found a tunnel network under the temple, some of which lead to sealed funeral chambers believed to contain the remains of the early rulers of Teotihuacan. Then in 2013, a team of archaeologists found hundreds of gold metallic spheres in two of the chambers beneath the pyramid, but the meaning behind them remains unknown to this day. 


#3 — The Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in India

Situated in Thiruvananthapuram, India, this Hindu temple is dedicated to Vishnu, the “preserver” among the principal deities of Hinduism. It is considered to be the richest Hindu temple on the face of the earth as its underground vaults have been found to contain gold and jewels amounting to around $22 billion.

Out of several vaults, one special vault referred to as “Vault B” remains unopened and is probably the most mysterious chamber in the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. The entrance to the vault is sealed with an iron door with two large cobra-like structures guarding it. They say that beyond Vault B, there is a hidden inner chamber with walls made of solid gold and is believed to contain undiscovered treasure that could be worth at least $1 trillion. However, many are against opening this vault as doing so without saying the correct mystic chant would purportedly result to the descent of great misfortune upon mankind. 


#4 — The Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Also known as the “Capital Temple,” this temple complex in Siem Reap, Cambodia was built in dedication to the Hindu deity Vishnu by the Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century before it eventually transformed into a Buddhist temple. This site is regarded as the largest religious monument on the planet, spanning more than 400 acres and is filled with several buildings including a three-level pyramid with nine towers that exceed 60 meters in height. 

The pyramid is said to represent Mount Meru, a mythical mountain in Hindu mythology believed to be the “home of the gods.” Interestingly, myths about the site also say that the temple was strategically built to be in harmony with the universe, with some suggesting that the Angkor Wat served several astronomical purposes. Another fascinating feature of the Angkor Wat is its numerous depictions of apsaras - or female spirits - and devatas - or lesser deities, with more than 1,796 depictions of devatas found in different parts of the temple. 

These details about the temple complex are some of the reasons why some people cannot shake off the belief that the Angkor Wat is a replication or depiction of a distant world where powerful and enlightened beings that once roamed and ruled the Earth come from.


#5 — The Kailasa Temple in India

Also known as the Kailasanatha Temple, this ancient Hindu temple is one of the 32 structures of the famous Ellora Caves in Maharashtra, India. The temple is also one of the biggest ancient architectural monuments in the world that was carved out of a “megalith” or a single, massive rock. Its construction is generally believed to have been commissioned by the Rashtrakuta king Krishna I sometime in the 8th century CE although other experts suggest that the Kailasa temple along with the other structures that make up the Ellora Caves are much older. 

What fascinates most people about the Kailasa Temple is the manner in which it was constructed. Referred to as “vertical excavation,” they say that to build this ancient structure, carvers of the time had to start at the top of the megalith and work their way downward, which is no easy feat, especially when you consider the complexity and scale of the structure. Thousands of tons of rock had to be excavated and carved out, so it is a wonder how this was achieved with the primitive tools available at the time such as hammers, picks and chisels. 


Even if we set aside the consideration that our ancestors may have possessed superior technology, or that these sites may have been built in honor of powerful ancient extraterrestrial beings that once visited the Earth and ruled humanity in the distant past, it cannot be denied these ancient temples are, more importantly, testament to the possibility that our ancestors are truly far more capable of doing amazing things than we give them credit for. 

The Kailasa Temple, the Angkor Wat, and many other ancient structures are immortalized demonstrations of what mankind can achieve when people put together their minds, hearts and hands in working towards the accomplishment of a goal or an ideal that is much bigger than themselves.


Are Pyramids Proof Of An Ancient Advanced Civilization?

In our modern era, it cannot be denied that the ancient pyramids of Giza have somewhat become the “apple of mankind’s eyes." This is not just because we revel at their distinctiveness as a tourist destination, but mainly because these ancient structures are vestiges of a once-thriving civilization that had a unique history and culture.



The oldest and the largest of the Egyptian pyramids found at the vast desert landscape of Giza is the Great Pyramid. Believed to have been built for and by the will of the Pharaoh Khufu at some point during his reign in the 26th century BC, the Great Pyramid withstood the test of time. It was one of the biggest buildings on the face of the earth up until the transition to the twentieth century. Standing today at 455 feet (138 meters), this ancient structure is considered by some to be a unique icon of Egyptian legacy and is also the “last construction standing” among the listed Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 

The second pyramid, known as Khafre's pyramid, is widely believed to have been commissioned by Khufu’s son Khafre, whose reign commenced around 2520 BC. The Great Sphinx monument is also located near the Khafre’s pyramid and dates around the same time as his reign, which has led some scholars to believe that the human face of the Sphinx is that of Khafre himself. 

The third pyramid, which is the smallest out of the three principal pyramids of Giza, was supposedly built to serve as the final resting place of Pharaoh Menkaure. It is believed to have been constructed between 2510 and 2490 BC during his rule.   

Proof of Advanced Ancient Technology:

The pyramid complex of Giza is regarded by many to be an impressive feat of engineering, considering mankind’s knowledge about construction and the technology available to the builders of the time were supposedly primitive. Scholars also deem these pyramids as testimonial relics of the “blood, sweat and tears” of tens of thousands of laborers who worked for decades to erect these ancient structures. 

These ancient buildings have continued to stand their ground for the past 4,500 hundred years, an incomparable achievement that has gained the interest and admiration of many. Part of the fascination over these pyramids is rooted in the curiosity over who built them as well as why and how they were built. These questions have opened an avenue of “new-age” discourse in our modern era, with some going so far as to assert that the ancient pyramids of Egypt could be a remnant of a technologically-advanced ancient civilization. Some even believe the pyramids are proof that ancient visitors of extraterrestrial origin once socially interacted with the people of earth. 

Most talk of advanced ancient civilizations and ancient astronauts is put off as pseudoscientific or fantastical speculation, but those who believe that the pyramids of Giza could have been built using advanced ancient technology have arguments that are just too compelling to ignore. 

Here are ten reasons why the pyramids of Giza could be evidence that Egypt’s ancient civilization once possessed advanced technology, which could be alien in origin. 

1. The Size & Weight of the Pyramids & Their Materials. 


One of the arguments raised by those who believe that the pyramids of Giza were built using advanced alien technology is the colossal size and weight of the pyramids and the materials they were built from. 

Building the Great Pyramid, for example, required the quarrying and transportation of 2.3 million stone blocks. Lifting each of these blocks was not exactly effortless either as these stones weighed between 2.5 to 15 tons. 

Archaeologists and researchers have presented theories of how the laborers of that time managed to quarry and transport these blocks from a nearby source to the site where the pyramid was built. However, many insist that these massive stones were nearly impossible to mine, move and lift given the primitive tools of that era. Since the Great Pyramid took at estimated 20 years to complete, it would have taken the laborers only two and half minutes to set each of the pyramid’s insanely-heavy blocks. 

2. The White Limestone Casings of the Great Pyramid. 

While the Great Pyramid is still a magnificent sight to behold, its current appearance today is nothing but a shadow of its former shining beauty. In the distant past, Egyptians referred to the Great Pyramid as “Ikhet,” which, which translates to “Glorious Light.” The Great Pyramid was once shielded with casings made of white-colored and smooth limestone until a disastrous earthquake in 1303 AD led to its untimely uncoupling. Much like mirrors, the pyramid stones reflected sunlight, which made the pyramid glisten like a crystal in the middle of the desert. 

What’s interesting about these reflective stone casings is not just their shape and appearance, but also the source of the material they were made of. Gathering large amounts of flat and polished limestone meant that tons of these stones had to cross the long stretch of the Nile river before they could be used. For some, this leads to the inevitable question of how those who worked in the construction of the pyramid managed to transport heavy and reflective limestone without the guidance of sophisticated knowledge and machinery.  

3. The Elaborate Tunnel Systems Inside the Pyramids of Giza. 


Archaeologists uncover a secret or two hiding beneath the pyramids of Giza from time to time. Prime examples of these discoveries are the elaborate networks of tunnels hidden under the vast desert. There are those who have dared to explore these passageways and the potential rooms or compartments hidden within, but most are still largely unexplored by people of the 21st century. 

What purpose could these tunnels have possibly served? Until we have the chance to excavate and thoroughly investigate these pathways, there’s still no definite answer to this question. Some believe that there could be an underground city beneath the pyramids of Giza and that this buried metropolis could be thousands of years old. 

4.  Strange Heat Anomalies in Several Areas of the Great Pyramid. 


In 2015, an international team of scientists and architects conducted thermal scans of the pyramids in Giza. To their astonishment, they observed “thermal anomalies” in the pyramids and detected high-temperature heat spots in several areas of the Great Pyramid. Mainstream science proposed that empty chambers, internal air currents and the use of varied construction materials were the causes of these anomalies, but believers of ancient advanced civilizations had something completely different in mind.

They believe that the heat spots come from advanced ancient equipment or machinery hidden beneath the pyramids. Some even speculate that the Great Pyramid of Giza could be an antiquated spacecraft built or brought here on the planet by extraterrestrial beings and that the heat anomalies indicate that the alien ship’s engines are ready to ignite after receiving sufficient energy from the sun for the past few thousand years. 

5. Alignment of the Great Pyramid with True North. 

The position of the Great Pyramid and its alignment with the location of true north is one of the more well-known pieces of evidence for the possibility of a technologically-superior ancient civilization. Although built thousands of years ago, the Great Pyramid is regarded by many to be the most accurately-aligned structure on the planet – yes, even more so than our modern-day Meridian Building in London – with a very minimal degree of error of 3/60th. Moreover, this error is not just a mistake in calculation but is explained by the fact that true north shifts as time passes. This means that the Great Pyramid was perfectly aligned at the time it was built. 

How did the ancient Egyptians manage to design and erect the Great Pyramid with such a high level of accuracy? They did not have a compass, so they must have calculated the alignment using sophisticated algorithms. But if they didn’t even have the knowledge and technology to make a compass, how could they have mathematically extrapolated the Great Pyramid’s near-perfect alignment with the cardinal direction of true north? Theories have attempted to answer this mystery, but experts can’t seem to agree on a single explanation. 

5. Alignment of the Pyramids with the Stars of Orion’s Belt. 


According to the Orion Correlation Theory, which was first presented by Robert Bauval back in 1983, the placement of the three main pyramids in the Giza Plateau aligns with the three main stars of Orion’s Belt. This theory also alleges that the whole outline of the Great Sphinx, the pyramid complex in Giza as well as the Nile River reflects the location of the constellations of Leo, Orion’s Belt and the Milky Way galaxy, in that order.

What’s interesting about this theory is its suggestion that the three pyramids of Giza were precisely aligned with the three stars of the Orion’s Belt in 10,500 BC. If true, this would mean that these pyramids were constructed 12,000 years ago and not 4,500 years in the past as mainstream science has led us to believe. 

7. Eight-Sided Design of the Great Pyramid

While it may initially seem like the Great Pyramid of Giza has four sides just like most pyramids, it is the only one to have been built with eight sides and four slightly-concave faces. 

Also worth mentioning is the degree of precision required in forming all eight sides of the pyramid, with each side indented by one degree of a half-degree, which is not an easy thing to do even in modern times. 

Moreover, all sides of the Great Pyramid cannot be easily seen from the ground or even from afar, and are only visible from above. 

As for what purpose the eight-sided design of the Great Pyramid served, some say that it had the structural purpose of keeping the casing stones from loosening, while others suggest that the indentations are nothing more than the incidental consequence of erosion. Of course, there are also those who believe that multiple-sided pyramid served an astronomical purpose or that it could be a communication device between ancient Egyptians and the extraterrestrial beings that guided them in the distant past. 

Based on the seven reasons we have just enumerated, can we conclude that the pyramids in Giza prove that ancient Egyptians once possessed highly advanced technology that may very well have come from extraterrestrial sources? 
Were our ancestors far more capable than we give them credit for? We may never know. 


The Ourang Medan, The Mystery of the Deadliest Ghost Ship in History

In June 1947, the Dutch freighter S.S. Ourang Medan was traveling along the straits of Malacca, when the ship suddenly sent out a chilling distress signal.

"All Officers, including the Captain, are dead. Lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead."

This first message was followed by a series of indecipherable Morse code sequences until finally, a last ominous transmission:

"I die." 


Ourang Medan's grim SOS was picked up by British and Dutch listening posts around Sumatra and Malaysia, who worked together to determined where the signal was coming from and alerted nearby ships.

American merchant ship Silver Star was first to reach Ourang Medan. They waived and shouted at the vessel to check for signs of life above deck. But there was no answer. Only eerie silence.

The US ship decided to send out a rescue team to board the ship to look for survivors. But what they found was a blood-curdling nightmare.

The entire Dutch crew was a ghastly pile of corpses – eyes wide open in horror, mouths are frozen in an eternal scream, arms stretched out as if saying stop as if saying no more.

Inside, they found the captain with the same twisted expression on his face as that of his men, dead on the bridge of the ship. Now nothing more than a dead captain, leading a dead ship.

His once strapping officers are now cold corpses straggled on the wheelhouse and chartroom floor. Even the ship’s dog wasn't spared a horrific death.

But the most harrowing is finding the radio operator, fingertips still on the telegraph where he sent his dying message.

After seeing the chilling devastation on board, the Silver Star decided to tow the Ourang Medan to port. But it wouldn't make it to shore, as thick clouds of smoke started rising from the lower decks and interrupted the rescue.

The crew barely had time to sever the line and move to safety, before the Ourang Medan exploded. The blast was apparently so big that the ship “lifted herself from the water and swiftly sank,” taking with it all the answers to its mysterious end to the bottom of the sea.

Or so the story of the Ourang Medan goes.


Some details may differ slightly in each version of the story. Like it happened in February 1948 instead of June 1947. Or that the waters that day were choppy instead of calm. And that the crew wasn't just dead, but they were decomposing at a faster rate. 

While in some versions, the details are, well, too detailed. Like one of the two American ships that heard the distress signal was named The City of Baltimore. That the smoke from the lower deck before the explosion came exactly from the Number 4 hold. Or that the poor canine aboard was a small terrier.

But whichever version of the story you've heard (or told), the basic plot points remain the same - Ourang Medan's entire crew met a gruesome and inexplicable death, and then very conveniently blew up and sank to the bottom of the ocean, leaving us all with an unsolved nautical macabre mystery.

So what happened to the Ourang Medan?

Theory #1: It was a cover up.

The most commonly pointed out loophole in the tale of the Ourang Medan is the vessel's lack of paper trail.

The Lloyd's Shipping registers don't have any mention of the ship. It's not in The Dictionary of Disasters at Sea that covers the years 1824-1962. It wasn't in the Registrar of Shipping and Seamen either.

There's no trace of it in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. Nothing in the Dutch Shipping records in Amsterdam. The Maritime Authority of Singapore also doesn't have the ill-fated ship in any of their records. 

In other words, the Ourang Medan was a ghost ship, even before it gained notoriety as one. Because there's no tangible proof that it even existed.

But as espousers of this legend would explain, it's because the Ourang Medan is part of a transnational government cover-up involving the Netherlands, Japan, Germany, China, the United States, and possibly many others.

They believe that the ship was deliberately expunged from all maritime records because it was being used to smuggle a secret cargo of lethal nerve gas to Japan.

Saying the Ourang Medan's voyage is linked to Army Unit 731 founded by Japanese bacteriologist Shirō Ishii, whose main objective was to bring back a weapon of the chemical, gas, or biological variety, that could win the war in their favor.

But as the Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibited the use of all chemical and biological weapons in war, the only way a large shipment of poisonous gas could make it across the other side of the world without raising any suspicion from authorities is by loading it as inconspicuous cargo, in an old, beat up Dutch freighter.  

This theory also provides a convenient and somewhat plausible explanation for the grisly death of the Ourang Medan's crew. With that much hazardous chemicals on board, a gas leak would've certainly led to the immediate death of everyone in the ship.

However, it wouldn't explain why the rescue crew from Silver Star wasn't affected by the poisonous gas when they boarded the ship.

Or why, like the Ourang Medan, there’s no mention of the Silver Star in Lloyd's register.

Theory #2: It was carbon monoxide poisoning.

American author and inventor of the term Bermuda Triangle, Vincent Gaddis, speculates that it was carbon monoxide poisoning is the answer to the mysterious deaths of the Ourang Medan crew.

According to his theory, burning fuel from a malfunctioning boiler system produced carbon monoxide fumes that poisoned the crew.

When breathed in carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream and prevents red blood cells from carrying oxygen around the body. At high levels, carbon monoxide can cause dizziness, vomiting, seizures, loss of consciousness, and even death. 

The trouble with this theory is that Ourang Medan is not an enclosed space. Fumes could've simply escaped into the atmosphere, and lives of the crew working the upper decks of the ship would've been spared.

Theory #3: It was pirates.

What's a story about a ghost ship without pirates, right?

There are theories claiming that pirates invaded the Ourang Medan and killed everyone on board, which although doesn't explain some accounts saying that there were no visible wounds on the victims' bodies, it does fit with the Strait of Malacca's long history with piracy as far back as the 14th century.

Because of its geography - narrow and dotted with many islets - it makes it ideal for a surprise attack towards ships using it as the trade route to China and Europe.

Theory #4: Ghosts

One of the most repeated, but arguably, also the most inconsequential detail in the story of the Ourang Medan is the extreme chill the rescue team felt as soon as they entered the hull of the ship, despite it being 110°F outside.

Inexplicable drop in temperature plus the frightened expressions on the crew's faces set in a vast, unforgiving sea, equals ghosts did it.

There aren't many supporters of this theory, but what's a ghost ship story without a ghosts-did-it theory?

Theory #5: Aliens

You might think that the alien theory is the most far-fetched, the most uncreative, the most cop out theory explaining the phenomena of the Ourang Medan, but it's a very popular theory, with entire books dedicated to it.

The story of the Ourang Medan has all the elements of a good mystery - inexplicable deaths, unknown assailants, world powers, war, pirates, ghosts, and multiple highly-plausible conspiracy theories. 

Which is probably why it still fascinates us to this day, even if it's already been dismissed by historians, researchers, and the casual internet fact-checker alike as a hoax.

But if it's good enough for the CIA to release a document in 1959 saying, that the Ourang Medan holds the key to many of the sea's mysteries, including that of sightings of huge fiery spheres that come from the sky and descend into the sea, then, it's certainly a hoax worth retelling.

1. Death Ship: The Ourang Medan Mystery,
2. The Myth of the Ourang Medan Ghost Ship, 1940,
3. S.S. Ourang Medan,
4.S.S. Ourang Medan,
6. LETTER TO<Sanitized> FROM C.H. MARCK,
7. Did the Ourang Medan “ghost ship” exist?,
8. The SS Ourang Medan: Death Ship (Updated),
9. Mysterious Death at Sea: the Disturbing Discovery at the S.S. Ourang Medan,
10. The Mammoth Book of Unexplained Phenomena: From bizarre biology to inexplicable astronomy,
11. Vincent Gaddis,
12. Crime on the high seas: The World's Most Dangerous Waters,
13. The World's Most Dangerous Waters,

7 Government Officials Who Confirmed That Aliens Exist

The question of whether or not there are indeed extraterrestrial life forms has been a hotly-debated issue for a very long time. One side maintains a skeptical standpoint on the subject matter, refusing to believe in alien existence unless government authorities provide definitive proof or positive confirmation. Another side insists that not only do extraterrestrials exist; they have also visited our planet and are perhaps even walking among us today. 

And to these believers, the only reason that this reality has yet to become public knowledge is that government institutions are deliberately hiding this fact by withholding photographic and documentary evidence and by downgrading the credibility of those who have stepped forward and exposed the truth. The conviction of these believers in the existence of extraterrestrial life is further strengthened by the fact that several government officials have stepped forward and admitted to this closely-guarded secret. 


John Podesta – Former Counselor to President Obama


John Podesta, Former Counselor to President Barack Obama. Podesta is currently the chair and counselor of the Washington D.C.-based think tank Center for American Progress, but in the past, he previously served in the U.S. government as an advisor to President Barack Obama and as a chief of staff of President Bill Clinton. He is also known as a “longtime advocate for government disclosure of UFO files,” having provided his support in some petitions to publicly release documents proving that many UFOs are sightings of actual alien spacecraft. He has even expressed in the past that one of his failings while working for the Obama administration is his neglect in successfully releasing UFO files. He also made Hilary Clinton promise that she would “get to the bottom” of the UFO issue if she became the president.

Edgar Mitchell – Astronaut for NASA

Edgar Mitchell, NASA Astronaut. Edgar Mitchell was an aeronautical engineer and a U.S. Navy officer who also served as an astronaut for NASA during the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, which makes him the sixth person to have walked on the moon. Mitchell is also a believer in the existence of extraterrestrial beings and went so far as to say that there is currently plenty of hard evidence that we are not alone in the universe and that military authority have taken lengths to make sure that they are not revealed to the public. However, to this day, NASA has denied involvements in such cover-ups about alien life on the planet or anywhere else in the galaxy. 

Paul Hellyer– Canadian Minister of Defense

Paul Hellyer, Former Minister of National Defence of Canada. Paul is a Canadian engineer and politician who is the longest serving member of the Privy Council of Canada and formerly served as the country’s minister of National Defence. Aside from his extensive political career, he is also a firm believer that UFOs are proof that aliens have been visiting our planet frequently, claiming that he had personally seen a UFO at least once in his life. He also urged world governments to unveil hidden alien technology which could be helpful in solving the global problem of climate change. 

Ellen Stofan – NASA Chief Scientist

Ellen Stofan, Former NASA Chief Scientist. Ellen Stofan previously served as the chief scientist of NASA but resigned from her position back in December 2016. In 2015, Stofan predicted that humankind would be discovering definitive proof of alien life “within 20 to 30 years.” She also said:

“We know where to look. We know how to look. In most cases, we have the technology, and we’re on a path to implementing it.”

While her statements may be indirect, to some people, it seemed like she knew more about the existence and actual whereabouts of these alien life forms. 

Phil Schneider– Geologist and Engineer for the U.S. Naval Intelligence


Phil Schneider, Geologist, and Engineer for the U.S. Naval Intelligence. Phil Schneider was a geologist and engineer who supposedly served for the United States Government and allegedly helped in the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases in different parts of the country. He emerged in the 1990s with his story that he survived a battle against alien beings back in 1979, and criticized the government for keeping the American citizens in the dark about the truth. Unfortunately, Schneider supposedly committed suicide in 1996, but the mysterious circumstances of his demise led some people to believe that he was eliminated by the government to maintain the secrecy of alien existence. 

Philip Corso– Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army

Philip Corso, Former Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army. Philip Corso served as an officer in the United States Army between the 1940s and the 1960s. In 1997, he published a book titled “The Day After Roswell,” in which he detailed his involvement in researching about extraterrestrial technology following the alleged recovery of bodies and wreckage from the famous Roswell UFO incident which took place in 1947. Corso also claimed in his book that the U.S. government had reverse engineered the alien technology they found at the site, which resulted in the technological advances that humanity has achieved in recent years. 

Marina Popovich – Retired Soviet Air Force Colonel

Marina Popovich, Retired Colonel of the Soviet Air Force. Marina Popovich is a retired colonel in the Soviet Air Force, and a multiple world record-holder in aviation, making her one of the most renowned Russian pilots in modern history. The esteemed pilot has largely spoken about her experience with UFOs in public lectures as well as in interviews. She also published a book about it back in 2003 titled “UFO Glasnost.” She claimed that there are around 3000 confirmed UFO sightings across the globe and that the KGB and the Soviet Air Force are in possession of UFO fragments from a handful of crash sites across the Soviet territory.

Gordon Cooper – Astronaut for NASA in Project Mercury

Gordon Cooper, Nasa Astronaut for Project Mercury. Gordon Cooper was an American aerospace engineer who is known to be a member of the seven original astronauts in Project Mercury, which was the United States’ first initiative for manned space travel. Cooper was also the first American to sleep in space, having spent 34-hours all alone in space during his orbital mission. In his illustrious career as a pilot, he claimed to have personally experienced a UFO sighting, and he purportedly wrote to the United Nations back in 1978 about his position on this mystery, saying: 

"I do believe UFOs exist and that the truly unexplained ones are from some other technically advanced civilization... I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are obviously a little more advanced than we are here on earth...”

The claims of many of these individuals, all of whom had served in government institutions at some point in their lives, have been ignored by the public mainly because the governing bodies they were once a part of had either denied their allegations or had refused to comment on them. But does that mean there isn’t, at the very least, a grain of truth in what these former government officials have said about the existence of extraterrestrial life forms? Is it so hard to believe that there are creatures out there – possibly far more advanced than we are – who have taken a glimpse or two at our planet and our way of life? And, should aliens do exist, is it so unlikely for the world government to keep this truth from us if most of us are potentially unprepared for such a reality?

Perhaps, the day will soon come when our government authorities will deem us ready to see and hear the truth, and will finally put an end to the mystery of whether extraterrestrial beings do exist and are possibly already among us. 


The Mysterious Wedge of Aiud

Archaeology has done wonders in providing answers for countless questions about our history that have been raised over the years; are still being brought up until now; and will continue to be asked even in the distant future. However, there are times when some archaeological discoveries that modern man have made ended up raising more questions about out past rather than answering them. Instead of explaining a mystery, an archaeological artifact can become an enigma by its own merits, and the mysterious aluminum Wedge of Aiud is certainly one of them.  

The Aluminum Wedge of Aiud – also known as the Object of Aiud – is one of the most mysterious and controversial archaeological finds of our time. Depending on who you ask, this particular artifact can be a testament to a wild and out-of-this-world hypothesis, or it can merely be an item deemed dismissible for being just another fraud or fabrication. And so, it has become the subject of debate in recent years, with no possible resolution in sight in the foreseeable future.


Discovery of the Wedge of Aiud

The discovery of the Wedge of Aiud dates back to 1973. As the story goes, builders worked on the shores of the Mures River, located not far from the central Romanian town of Aiud. Incidentally, they found three objects buried 10 meters or 33 feet under the ground.

From the perspective of the builders who found them, the items appeared to be unusual and also very old. And so, archaeologists were brought in to investigate the site. The two objects were identified as fossils, while the third item looked like a piece of manmade metal. The metal was very light, and at the time, it was suspected that it could be the end of an axe.

All three objects were sent to be further analyzed in Cluj, the main city of the Romanian region of Transylvania. It was soon determined that the fossils found near the town of Aiud belong to a large extinct mammal that perished some 10,000 to 80,000 years ago – the mastodon. However, for the third object, experts were stunned to find that it was a piece of a very lightweight metal which looks like it had been manufactured.

Description of the Wedge of Aiud

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When the Wedge of Aiud was discovered, it was allegedly taken to the Archaeological Institute of Cluj-Napoca to be examined, where it was determined that it weighed 5 pounds, and measured 7.8 inches long, 4.9 inches wide and 2.8 inches thick. They were also able to discern its composition. The wedge is an alloy composed of 12 different elements. It contains 89% aluminum, as well as 6.2% copper, 2.85% silicon, 1.81% zinc, 0.0003% bismuth, 0.0002% silver, and trace amounts of gallium. The metallic item was also covered in a layer of aluminum oxide.

What’s interesting about the composition of the Wedge of Aiud is that metallic aluminum was not produced by mankind until around 200 years ago in 1825. And so, the discovery of the large chunk of metal some believed to be up to 250,000 years of age has since become a highly-sensational find.

Is the Wedge of Aiud Proof of Ancient Extraterrestrial Civilization?

The piece of metal discovered in Aiud has the composition and concavities that make it appear like it was manufactured as part of a more complex mechanical system. Hence, a heated debate has been going on, with one side speculating that the object is actually part of a UFO and serves as proof of visitation by an alien civilization in the distant past.

According to Gheorghe Cohal, the Deputy Director of the Romanian Ufologists Association, the lab tests conducted on the Wedge of Aiud allegedly concluded that the metallic object is an old UFO fragment since the substances it is made of cannot be combined with the technology available on Earth.

One of the experts who support the theory that the Wedge of Aiud is linked to an ancient alien civilization is Romanian ufologist Floring Gheorgita. She believes that the artifact landed on Earth with an alien spacecraft and that the wedge is actually a part of the spaceship’s landing gear. She is just one of many archaeologists and ufologists that share the opinion that the wedge is evidence of extraterrestrial activity and presence on our planet in ancient times.

And even if the wedge was not part of a landing gear of an alien spacecraft that had the ability to take off and land vertically, it is also possible that the metallic artifact was part of an ancient flying machine that was created right here on planet Earth.

Skeptic’s Perspective on the Wedge of Aiud

While considering the Wedge of Aiud to be an evidence of an alien visitation during ancient times is a fascinating albeit far-fetched theory of its origin, there are, of course, more probable explanations.

One of the more likely explanations for the origin of the wedge is that it is nothing more than a modern-day aluminum excavator bucket tooth. In this scenario, a clamshell excavator could have been digging in the area, and a bucket tooth broke off. For some reason, that particular mining or excavation ended, and several years after that, the wedge was incidentally discovered, and those who found it were simply unfamiliar with excavator buckets. Thus, a mystery was born.

Another plausible explanation for the origin of the wedge was presented by Romania’s local historian Mihai Wittenberger. According to his theory, the discovered metallic object is actually just a metal piece from a German aircraft during the Second World War. He believes that it is a piece of a landing gear from a Messerschmitt ME 262.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, also has a different theory on what the object found near Aiud could be. According to Watson, the Wedge of Aiud could be a wreckage of a satellite, which could explain why the discovery of the item was kept under wraps in 1973.  

There are also scientists who are of the opinion that the Wedge of Aiud is actually fake. These skeptics believe that aluminum wedge was made on Earth by modern-day humans. The only difficulty is in identifying its purpose given the limited amount of information available about the object.

Skepticism Over Skeptic’s Perspective

While the perspective of skeptics seems to provide more realistic theories about the origin and purpose of the Wedge of Aiud, the theories presented by these people are also largely based on conjecture. The theories of skeptics also fail to answer several pressing questions about the wedge, including providing an explanation regarding the age of the artifact.

For instance, the oxidized layer coating of the artifact had shown that is more likely to be around 400 years old, which is still a couple hundred years earlier before man was able to produce aluminum. If the Wedge of Aiud is nothing more than a modern-day excavator bucket tooth, a part of a German World War II aircraft, or a man-made satellite, then why is its estimated age date back to a time when aluminum hasn’t even been manufactured yet?

At present, the Wedge of Aiud is reported to be housed in the Museum of the History of Transylvania, and the mysterious story behind it still has no clear ending in sight. While there are perfectly logical explanations about this discovered artifact that lessens its mystical factor, this particular mystery remains truly unexplainable until now.

Is the Aluminum Wedge of Aiud really a relic of ancient visitation or prehistorical flying machines? Is it a modern piece of metal that found its way underneath the sands of Romania? Or is this just another deliberate hoax?


Hundreds Of Giant Mysterious Tunnels Discovered In Brazil

Brazil – a tropical paradise and home to some of the best athletes in the world.

It is the largest country in both South America and Latin America and boasts a beautiful culture and stunning scenery. In Brazil, you can find the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue and the awe-inspiring Corcovado and Sugarloaf Mountains. Travelers and explorers will find a wonderful slate of fauna such as the giant anteater, several varieties of sloths, armadillos, otters, and even capybara in the country.

However, Brazil has more than meets the eye. In fact, the country has its fair share of mysteries.

In 2010, geologist Amilcar Adamy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, found a giant hole a few miles north of the Bolivian border. Upon investigation, he realized that the hole could not have been naturally made. None of the caves Adamy explored looked like anything the tunnels featured, with their round passages and smooth floors.

The mysterious tunnels have since then been discovered by various experts around the country and have opened up an entirely new realm of possibilities for geological studies.   

The Tunnels



Geologist Heinrich Theodor Frank stumbled across the tunnels while driving on the national Novo Hamburgo Highway. While driving, a hole of around one meter in diameter caught his attention. The hole was located at a construction site, and after further investigation, Frank discovered that the hole led to a complex underground tunnel. The tunnel was about 70 centimeters high and a few meters in length, with what appeared to be strange scratches on the ceiling of its walls. 

After further exploration, Frank realized that hundreds of similar tunnels existed all over Brazil. The state of Rondonia alone has a large complex of 600 meter-long tunnels. Not only that, 2,000 burrows with similar characteristics have also been found. 

Not even the locals in the area knew about the origins of the tunnels. Further tests showed that the tunnels were not man-made in origin. 

The Mysteries

Urban legends point towards various "historical" and even supposed "mythological" origins of the mysterious tunnels. Some say the tunnels were created by Indians, Jesuits, slaves, or even revolutionaries. Others believe the tunnels are a giant anthill or were even made by bears. Very rare few point towards a great mythological serpent that may have used the tunnel as its home.

Regardless, geological evidence alone proves that the tunnels were not created by Brazilian natives. The Indians who lived in Brazil even before the Europeans arrived did not use iron, and therefore had no means of digging through the hard rocks around the tunnels. 

According to Frank, there is no natural geological process known to man that can produce the features of the tunnels. These features include the circular or elliptical cross-sections that branch, rise, and fall around the area.

The geographic distribution of the tunnels is another mystery to scientists. The tunnels were only found in the southern parts of Brazil - particularly in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. They don't exist anywhere else. 

The claw marks on the walls of the tunnels are also peculiar.

Prehistoric animals such as giant armadillos or possibly mega-sloths are thought by many to be possible creators of such marks.

The biggest burrows, with sizes of up to five feet in diameter, may have been dug by ground sloths that have adapted to the area’s environment and developed digging skills.

Giant armadillos, though shorter than sloths, may also have the skills necessary to dig these tunnels as well. The grooves along the ceiling may, in fact, be marks the animals have left whenever they pause or stop working. 

Unfortunately, there are no specific indications of these animals living in the country. Moreover, the sheer size of the tunnels cannot possibly be made by any “giant” armadillos or sloths – at least, ones that we know of.

The giant armadillo, the largest existing member of its family, weighs between 65 and 90 pounds and is native to South America. However, its burrows are about 16 inches in diameter, and only up to 20 feet long. If the tunnels’ five foot wide and 250-feet long burrows are in fact dug my animals, then it should be one extremely big creature – one that has not been discovered yet. 

However, it seems there is still another possibility.

Historical Evidence

source:&nbsp;Ancient Origins

Frank eventually sent photographs of the tunnels to Marcelo Rasteiro of the Brazilian Society of Speleology. He introduced the notion of "paleoburrows" excavated by living organisms in any geological age.

Examples of these organisms include worms in the Cambrian Era, mollusks in the Mesozoic Era, or rats in the Pleistocene. These are all organisms that have lived millions of years ago.

Until the early 2000s, hardly any burrows attributed to extinct animals can be found in scientific literature. In fact, it was only in 2015 that Adamy himself had the opportunity to extensively explore the mysterious tunnels. 

If this paleoburrow theory is to be believed, then the tunnels in Brazil may have been created between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago. If this is the case, then the Rondonia tunnels Frank have discovered may be the first - and the largest - paleoburrow in the Amazon.

These tunnels can actually be found all over the world, which adds even more depth to the mystery. Frank said similar caves could be found in countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. 

Until scientists can figure out who, what, or how these paleburrows were made, they will remain an unfathomable enigma.
