10 Nightmarish Diseases in History We Have Forgotten

Throughout human history, we have battled over a myriad of diseases that has threatened to wipe us off the face of the planet more than once.

In the days before modern science and medicine, diseases have been treated haphazardly that usually end up with disastrous results such as death or a pandemic.

Thankfully, as our understanding of the human body and medicine grew so too did our understanding of diseases that we were able to eliminate them to the point that many of history’s deadliest pandemics are now just a footnote in everyone’s memories.

However, that does not discount the fact that many of these historical pathogens are extinct. Many of them are lying dormant, patiently waiting for the right conditions to resurface. It also does not help that there is still a vast majority of regions around the world that does not have access to proper healthcare and medical assistance due to a variety of reasons that include poverty and conflict.

In this list, we are revisiting the 10 historical diseases that were the stuff of nightmares. Diseases that we have forgotten but may potentially return with a score to settle with humanity.


#10 — Smallpox


Making a debut to the world stage in the 16th Century, smallpox was an international epidemic that almost had the same scale as the Black Plague that preceded it.

A product of the variola virus, smallpox claimed the lives of more than 90 million Native Americans when the Europeans came to the shores of the Americas. It spread like wildfire in Europe, killing at least 400,000 people by the end of the 18th Century. Though a vaccine was finally formulated in 1796, the disease still spread and was only eliminated in the early years between the 19th and 20th Centuries.

However, while it may seem that smallpox is finally extinct, there have been recorded cases as recent as the 1960s when an outbreak swept the world, killing millions. The disease can easily be spotted by hallmark symptoms of body aches, high fever, and fluid-filled bumps that appear on the skin.


#9 — Polio


It was the disease that crippled Franklin D Roosevelt and placed him in a wheelchair throughout the Second World War until his death in 1945.

Polio was a disease that persists today in many countries, but it hit fever pitch in 1952 when it infected and paralyzed more than 57,000 people in the United States alone though the disease may have existed a thousand years beforehand.

Characterized by paralysis and the crippling of the lower extremities, polio is a disease targeting the human nervous system, and infection is by way of consuming contaminated food and water. Though a vaccine was developed in the 1950s, there is no cure for it. However, since polio only affects human beings, widespread vaccinations since the 50s has almost driven the disease to the point of extinction despite the fact that poverty-stricken countries are still plagued by it.


#8 — Cholera


Cholera was a disease that hovered over India for hundreds of years until it was introduced to the entire world in the 19th Century by way of European ships traveling to the country and back home. Mainly, infection is passed in through contaminated water and food. It exhibits flu-like symptoms that are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. Ultimately, a cholera patient dies due to severe dehydration.

Though diligent steps have been taken over the centuries to stop the disease from spreading, many countries still suffer from it to this day with the last recorded outbreak happening in Haiti after a deadly earthquake struck in 2010.

It has yet to be eliminated, and many health experts caution people on consuming food and water from unfamiliar places.


#7 — Leprosy


One of the oldest diseases, it has been referenced multiple times in history and the Bible as a punishment from the heavens.

This was a disease that attacks the skin and eats its way into a patient’s nerve cells. Caused by bacteria similar to that of tuberculosis, it is a disease that persists to this day across the globe. The United States, for one, has not been able to completely eradicate leprosy and many people struck by it usually get infected through armadillos – animals known to be infected with the disease – whether through eating it or keeping them on a farm where they are in constant contact.

The problem with eliminating the disease is that people most often get treatment during its later stages when it is much more difficult to manage. Though treatments are widely available, chances are, the extinction of leprosy is still too far off.


#6 — Typhus or Camp Fever


Practically non-existent today, Typhus or Camp Fever became an epidemic in the 17th Century and took the lives of 10 million soldiers during Europe’s Thirty Years War. Not only did it infect and kill many soldiers, but Typhus also spread in cramp and poverty-stricken areas in the continent.

The infection is caused by microbes and bacteria carried by lice thus making camps and overcrowded housings ground zero for the disease. Symptoms may be similar to the flu with fever and nausea at the top of the list. However, if left untreated, the disease can cause heat exhaustion in patients and, ultimately, complications that trigger organ failure.

The disease died out later on but saw a resurgence during the First World War causing millions of deaths in countries like Romania, Poland, and Russia.


#5 — Chlorosis


In the 18th Century, physicians and doctors were notorious for not being able to properly identify a disease which led to mistreatment and even the death of patients.

Such is the case with a bizarre disease called “chlorosis,” a sickness that targets women and affects their menstrual cycles, leaving them looking haggard and exhausted. Since doctors have little experience in treating women at that time, the 18th Century Medical Community was left baffled and at a loss for words.

Chlorosis persisted for two centuries until it died out. What is interesting to note about the disease, however, was that it was only an affliction that women in high society seemed to contract; no record of blue-collar women could be found infected with the mysterious illness.

Apart from exhaustion, patients would also fall into melancholy and their periods would completely stop. On top of that, the disease was easily detectable because it turned women, literally, a shade of green.


#4 — Spanish Flu

Also known as the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, the Spanish Flu was short-lived, but in the year that it spread, it was able to claim the lives of about 100 million people worldwide.

This strain of the flu virus was brought home by troops at the end of the First World War, and it quickly became a global epidemic.

With symptoms similar to the common flu, it was the build-up of excessive amounts of fluid in the lungs that brought people to their deaths due to untreated complications.

#3 — Phossy Jaw


The Industrial Revolution of the 19th Century brought marvels to the civilized world as well as a collection of strange diseases.

One of them was a condition called Phossy Jaw; a condition that is caused by a specific line of profession.

Sufferers of the disease are mainly workers who spend long hours in a matchstick factory. Back then, matches were dipped in white phosphorus which allowed them to burn longer than their modern-day counterparts. The problem with white phosphorus is that it produces extremely toxic fumes.

Workers exposed to the chemical complained about chronic toothaches that eventually became infected and develop abscess.

In non-terminal cases, patients would just simply have the infected jaw amputated and allow the area to heal naturally. Unfortunately for people in the 19th Century, they would continue to work in the factories and repeatedly acquire the disease that potentially killed many of them in the end.
The condition was first identified in 1858, but despite this, the use of white phosphorus was not banned until 1906, about 50 years after hundreds of people have lost parts of their faces or their lives to the effects of the toxic chemical.


#2 — The Black Plague


Call it what you want: the Bubonic Plague, Black Death, or Black Plague. It is one of the most devastating epidemics the world has ever seen and has earned its chapter in many history books.

Known as the first true pandemic on earth, the Black Plague cleaned out half of the world’s population across Europe and Asia in the 14th Century.

While many point to the poor living conditions and rising pest population in Europe as the main cause of the disease, the strain of the plague is still being researched by experts today. However, thanks to developments and strides in modern medicine, what happened in the 14th Century is unlikely to happen again since treatments are readily available.


#1 — Plague of Athens


If we are to be worried about the next deadly pandemic, chances are it is going to be the Zika virus. However, the virus only equates to the common cold compared to the mysterious plague that decimated Athens, Greece during the early centuries of its civilization.

The unknown pestilence hit Athens in the early years of the first Olympic Games and reduced a great number of its population into a messy puddle of sweat, poop, and blood. A historian called Thucydides courageously described the victims of the plague as they suffered from inflammation in the eyes, convulsions, diarrhea, and the vomiting of blood. It was a terrible scene to behold and to imagine. The plague was so terrible that, during the Spartans’ siege of Athens, their armies turned and fled at the sight of the diseased citizens.


The Mysterious Ringing Rocks

This is rock music. Literally.

These chime-like sounds come from geological phenomena known as ringing rocks. Physically, they look no different from regular rocks, but it's not until you lightly strike them with a hammer that the rocks reveal their sonic secret.

Also known as sonorous rocks, these audio boulders can be found in various locations inside the 128-acre Ringing Rocks Park in Southeastern Pennsylvania, including Stony Garden in Bucks County, Devil's Race Course in Franklin, and Pottstown in Montgomery.

The most famous among visitors is located in Upper Black Eddy near the Delaware River. Framed by a lush forest and a majestic waterfall, the site features a vast eight-acre field of ringing rocks, with some stacked as high as 10-feet. 

It was here that Dr. J. J. Ott performed for the Buckwampum Historical Society in June 1890, for what is probably the first rock concert in history.

According to Natural History Magazine, Ott "played several musical selections" while accompanied by a brass band. The performance highlighted the natural musicality of the rocks which he assembled into an octave scale.

Since Ott's performance, the site has attracted other musicians looking to compose one-of-a-kind soundscapes using the ringing rocks. Like instrumental percussionist group, Square Peg Round Hole, who recorded an original song using rocks they selected for their similar tonal qualities as their instruments.

Recordists like Philadelphia-based Thomas Rex Beverly also visit the park to take audio recordings of the rocks. He observed that changes in the environment also changed the sound of the rocks. Which means what the rocks sound in summer, isn't the same as they do in winter when layers of snow surround the rocks. The amount of snow also creates significant changes in the pitch of the rocks.

But a more interesting discovery is that, while only 30% of the rocks ring, they generally ring in the tone of B flat. Now, why is that more interesting than finding out the sound produced by the rocks are ultimately site specific, existing in synergy with its surroundings, wherein any incremental change can dramatically affect its acoustics, you might ask? Because B flat is what a supermassive black hole sounds like.

Back in 2003, NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory detected sound waves are coming from a black hole 250 million light years away from Earth. It turns out, it's been humming a B flat that's 57 octaves below middle C for close to 2.5 billion years.

It's out of this world tidbits like this, so to speak, that fuel the wild urban legends surrounding the origins and mechanisms of the ringing rocks. So in 1965 geologist Richard Faas performed numerous lab tests on the rocks to find out if there's a connection between the physical make up of the rocks and their ability to create sound.

What Faas found was an explanation to one of the most widely claimed myths about the ringing rocks. Unlike the stories, the rocks don't lose their ability to make sounds when taken out of the boulder field. They still produce a series of low-frequency sounds, which remain inaudible to the human ears until it's layered with similar low-frequency sounds coming from other ringing rocks. 

But while he was able to debunk one myth, Faas still wasn't able to identify the specific physical evidence that would explain why the rocks ring. So instead of getting answers, all he raised are more questions.

Like, if the rocks were all made from diabase, a volcanic basalt that's high in iron and aluminium content, then why do only a few of the rocks ring? Why aren't the rocks in nearby areas of the field ring as well? And since diabase is the same substance as that of the Earth's crust, does this mean that the Earth is one giant bell?

And how did the boulders even get there in the first place? One theory suggests that when the supercontinent Pangaea shifted some 300 years ago, it caused mountains to erode and the sediments to settle in nearby valleys.

Magma worked its way up to the surface, depositing large amounts of diabase into the soil in the process. Scientists believe that the boulders were created from what they call the freeze-thaw cycle.

Where the water that's permeated the hardened mixture of magma and sediments goes into a loop of freezing and melting, which eventually split the giant rock formation into individual boulders.

This would make for a very satisfying explanation into the mystery of the ringing rocks, if only (1) there were volcanoes in Pennsylvania, and (2) well if it actually cracked its mystery.

But because even extensive scientific studies couldn't provide a definitive explanation on why the rocks ring, speculations of the more peculiar variety abound.

Some think the ringing rocks are surrounded by a bizarre magnetic field, rendering compasses unusable. It's also rumoured to be an ancient ceremonial site used by Native Americans, who used the rocks for their rituals.

Others believe the boulders are pieces of a meteorite that crashed on Earth, and the radiation is why there's no vegetation nor animals that settle in the boulder field.

Of course, we can't talk about the inexplicable without chocking it up to aliens.

Take Stonehenge. The ancient monument has never been a stranger to green space men and conspiracy theorists, even more so now that ringing rocks were discovered on the site.

Researchers from the Royal College of Art under their Landscape & Perception Project (L&P) project discovered that the bluestones (or the inner circle of Stonehenge) share the same musical ability as that of the boulders in Ringing Rocks.

Evidence showed that almost all of the rocks have scuff marks on places where it might have been struck. Proving, that the rocks were specifically chosen for their ability to make ringing sounds.

And by some strange coincidence, it just so happened that the stones were sourced from Preseli Hills, where a village named Maenclochog ̶ which translates to bell or ringing stones ̶ is located. Records show that the townspeople used bluestones as church bells until the 1800s.

To add to the mystery, recent archaeological findings reveal that Stonehenge is part of a complex network of 17 other previously unknown ancient structures including nearby Durrington Walls and Avebury.

Using sophisticated equipment like a ground-penetrating radar and a 3D laser scanner, the pioneering digital mapping project covered an area of 12-square kilometres or the size of 1,250 football fields.

What they discovered was a labyrinth of burial grounds, ritual sites, processional routes, and pre-historic trenches all seemingly converging towards the direction of Stonehenge as its centre.

Following various cultural studies, what links Stonehenge's bluestones and the boulder field in Pennsylvania is that the ringing rocks they're made of are considered sacred across different ancient civilizations. They were thought to contain powerful spirits and may have been used in religious ceremonial practices as a way to speak with the gods.

But no matter how similar the role of ringing rocks around the world are, in the context of history and culture, there's still not one physical characteristic that exists among all of them that could explain why they ring.

And so the mystery continues. Who knows, maybe it really is aliens, and the worlds one rocking intergalactic mixtape?


New Music Video: Square Peg Round Hole at Ringing Rocks, http://www.phillymag.com/ticket/2016/01/20/new-music-video-square-peg-round-hole-at-ringing-rocks/

Watch This Band Create Music on 'Ringing' Boulders, http://mentalfloss.com/article/74267/watch-band-create-music-ringing-boulders

Great Natural Areas in Eastern Pennsylvania, https://books.google.com.ph/books?id=-AGm3Ny_NsgC&lpg=PA123&ots=07EIMk7EUW&dq=Buckwampum%20historical%20society&pg=PA124#v=onepage&q=Buckwampum%20historical%20society&f=false

Outbound Journeys in Pennsylvania: A Guide to Natural Places for Individual and Group Outings, https://books.google.com.ph/books?id=yN_G7nSkyFYC&lpg=PA47&ots=IlrR90HLzh&dq=Buckwampum%20historical%20society&pg=PA47#v=onepage&q=Buckwampum%20historical%20society&f=false

Ringing Rocks for wind ensemble and electronics by Thomas Rex Beverly Sound Libraries, https://soundcloud.com/trexbeverly/ringing-rocks-for-wind-ensemble-and-electronics

Have You Heard About B Flat? http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7442915

Travel Suggestions: 'Gates Of Hell' And Ringing Rocks Park, http://www.npr.org/2015/08/31/436229354/travel-suggestions-gates-of-hell-and-ringing-rocks-park

The 10 Best Adventures from the New Atlas Obscura Book, https://www.outsideonline.com/2117141/10-best-adventures-new-atlas-obscura-book

There’s No Other Park In America Quite Like This One In Pennsylvania, http://www.onlyinyourstate.com/pennsylvania/ringing-rocks-park-pa/

Strange & Unexplained - Ringing Rocks, http://www.skygaze.com/content/strange/RingingRocks.shtml

The Sonorous Stones of Ringing Rocks Park, http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/sonorous-stones-ringing-rocks-park

VIDEO: Rock music, http://scienceline.org/2017/06/video-rock-music-2/

Ringing Rocks, http://www.davidhanauer.com/buckscounty/ringingrocks/

Weird Geology: Ringing Rocks, http://www.unmuseum.org/ringrock.htm

The Ringing Rocks of Pennsylvania – A Famous Geological Oddity, http://www.odditycentral.com/travel/the-ringing-rocks-of-pennsylvania-a-famous-geological-oddity.html

Ringing Rocks Park really rocks, http://www.nj.com/times-sports/index.ssf/2012/07/ringing_rocks_park_really_rock.html

RECORDING THE STRANGE SOUNDS OF RINGING ROCKS:, https://www.asoundeffect.com/ringing-rocks-sounds/

If Rocks Could Sing: The
Ringing Rocks of Bucks Co., http://pabook2.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/Ringing.html

These rocks can sing, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/apr/02/nation/la-na-ringing-rocks-20110403

Ontario Archaeological Society Arch Notes, http://www.ontarioarchaeology.on.ca/Resources/ArchNotes/anns4-5.pdf

We may have cracked the mystery of Stonehenge, http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20170713-why-stonehenge-was-built

Stonehenge secrets revealed by underground map, http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-29126854

Are Stonehenge's Boulders Actually Big Bells?, https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/03/are-stonehenges-boulders-actually-big-bells/284239/

RCA Research Team Uncovers Stonehenge's Sonic Secrets, https://www.rca.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/sonic-stones/

The Secret Behind Stonehenge Mystery: Ringing Rocks, https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulrodgers/2014/03/12/the-secret-behind-stonehenge-mystery-ringing-rocks/#8709f958c6c6

Stonehenge bluestones had acoustic properties, study shows, http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-wiltshire-26417976