5 Bizarre Forms of Ancient Taxes

Food. Water. Fuel.

As it is, we already complain about the amount of taxes imposed on our necessities, they might as well charge us for the air we breathe. Not to mention the big chunk taken from our salaries every month, for supposed government funds.

But if you could pause and think about it, we should be grateful. Hundreds of years ago, rulers from different parts of the globe found really interesting, and mostly questionable reasons to raise funds. But we can’t really blame them.

It was a time when countries were almost always at war – either conquering a territory or protecting theirs. And tax provided great money for their militaries.

In this video, we’ll give you the top 5 most bizarre forms of ancient taxes. The following may sound funny now, but our ancestors sure made a lot of money out of them.


#5 — Cowardice Tax in England

Yes, there was no free room for cowards in the ancient times.

Despite the wars waging in different parts of the world today, that is still nothing compared to how life was centuries ago - when the world still revolved in conquest. Back then, the unspoken rule was - conquer or be conquered.

Of course, every invasion needs an army. And territories raised their men to fight. Joining the military was not an option but a requirement. It is a service that vassals owed their lord. And if they couldn’t give it, they had to pay.

Formally known as scutage, the cowardice tax was a sort of shield money for those who are not physically, emotionally, or mentally capable of going to war. It was a great way to extort money from nobles, but a chance that even some lowly citizens grabbed.

The first known form of scutage was established in 12th century England, under the reign of King Henry I.

History records show that it started with King Henry asking for a small amount of payment, which increased year after year, with the growing trend of a money economy.

As it was a practice advantageous to both sides, it easily spread to other European countries like France and Germany, although not as widespread as it was in England.

And by the start of the early 13th century, King John was already collecting scutage 300% more than its original worth. He also imposed payment from knights even in the years when there were no wars at all. This abuse prompted a Magna Carta that prohibits the royal court from imposing scutage without the permission of a great council. And by the 14th century, cowardice tax was officially banned.


#4 — Window Tax in England

In 1696, William III imposed an outrageous tax on houses or any other buildings that had more than 10 windows. The tax increased depending on the number of windows - from the flat rate of two shillings to the maximum of eight shillings.

It was meant to be a progressive tax. The idea was that poor families would have smaller houses and thus fewer windows. They would then be taxed less or none at all. The system actually worked for the rural poor, but it failed miserably for those in urban areas, who had to live in large tenement buildings. These settlements, although occupied by several families, were taxed as one whole house.

Imagine how many windows one tenement building has.

Landlords, who of course did not want to carry the burden of paying the huge amount of window tax, passed the problem to the tenants, who were subjected to higher rent.

In a bid to escape or at least lessen their window taxes, homeowners started constructing buildings with very few windows, or have their existing windows boarded up. To which, the government's answer was to lower the minimum number of windows allowed. The initial minimum of 10 windows became 7 starting 1766.

With the increasing population and decreasing number of windows, insufficient ventilation became a big problem. Medical professionals started complaining that dark and damp environments, especially in huge buildings, are possible sources of some diseases. Living close to each other could also easily cause these diseases to spread.

Their continuous campaigning reaped its reward in 1851. The window tax was finally repealed – 156 years after its creation, to be replaced by the more reasonable and still existing house tax.


#3 — Urine Tax, or Vectigal Urinae in Rome

Pecunia non olet. It was a famous saying in ancient Rome, which basically means “money does not stink.”

Back in 1st century AD, under the rule of Emperor Vespasian, urine was valued for its high ammonia content. It was considered the best weapon against dirt, and was widely used to wash clothes, tan leather, and mind you, to whiten teeth.

Back then, the lower Roman classes would urinate in pots, which were emptied in cesspools. While the higher classes used public bathhouses. Urine was collected from these facilities and recycled in various ways to transform into cleaning ingredients.

Emperor Vespasian, having noticed that a lucrative business has been created out of this practice, imposed a tax on people who bought this urine.

Thus the saying Pecunia non olet. Historians say it became famous after a particular conversation between Emperor Vespasian and his son Titus, who had been complaining about the smelly nature of the tax. They say Vespasian then held a gold coin and asked his son if it smelled. Of course, Titus said no, and to this, the emperor replied, "Yet it comes from urine."

Disgusting as it does sound, Vespasian did earn a lot of money from this practice. Because of his ruthless taxation, he was not only able to bring the Romans out of debt but also left a great sum of money for his successor. He was also able to order the construction of many Roman infrastructures, including the iconic Colosseum.

Until today, Pecunia non olet remains famous, to say that the value of money does not diminish just because it comes from stinky means.


#2 — Breast Tax or Mulakkaram in Kerala, India

There is a very long history of repression against women and the less fortunate around the world. And if you're a poor woman, prepare to have the world on your shoulders. This particular tax in Southern India made them feel very small indeed.

In the early 1800s, the caste system in India was at its most oppressive – so much so that both the men and women of the lower caste were not allowed to cover their chests when meeting members of the upper caste. Back then, clothing was a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and wearing one would have been considered disrespectful against the higher caste.

While the men were able to accept this law grudgingly, it was very disadvantageous for women, who were starting to see the merits of covering their breasts, especially when entering religious temples.

In the book Native Life in Travancore, Samuel Mateer explains how this practice ensured that the higher caste continued to thrive while pushing the lower caste to remain in a never-ending cycle of poverty and scarcity.

But a woman from Alappuzha will forever be remembered for changing the course of history, or at least, for giving women the courage to fight this oppression. Legend has it that this woman, named Nangeli, decided to fight the system at the cost of her life.

One day, when the tax collector arrived at her house to collect Mulakkaram, she laid a plantain leaf as usual. But instead of giving money, she suddenly cut off her breasts, put them on the leaf, and offered it to the shocked tax collector. Nangeli bled to her death, but she left a legacy that has been passed on through generations.

They say it was because of the repression women had to suffer during that time, but Nangeli's story never made it to any history books. However, the women of Kerala never once doubted its validity, and will forever look up to Nangeli as their hero.


#1 — Beard Tax in Russia

Back in the 1700s, Russia was led by a young yet legendary royal, in the name of Peter the Great, well known for leading the modernization of Russia.

In a bid to drag his motherland from its pastoral ancestry, Peter went on a year-long voyage across neighboring European countries, like Britain and the Netherlands, to learn about their relatively advanced military and trade techniques.

But when he came back to Russia, he adapted more than just their defense system, but also their fashion sense.

The court celebrated his arrival with a party consist of his most beloved aides and diplomats. Historians say that in the said ball, Peter the Great suddenly pulled out a razor and shaved off his friends’ beards one by one. Such was the court’s respect for the czar that they could only stare in horror at what he was doing.

He then ordered that every man in Russia should shave off his beard, for the reason that the clean-shaven look was what was considered fashionable in Europe at that time.

However, this received a negative reaction from the Russian Orthodox Church, who believed that shaving one’s beard would, in the words of Ivan the Terrible, disfigure the image of man as he was created by God.

This forced Peter the Great to re-consider his actions. Instead of ordering men to imitate his fashion sense, he imposed a yearly beard tax for those who preferred to keep their facial hair. The amount of payment depended on the man's social status. And those who chose to pay received a copper coin with the writing 'tax paid' as proof that they have been granted permission to keep their beard.

Infamous as it was, the beard tax remained in practice until 1772, 47 years after his death.


There you have it, the five most bizarre ancient taxes.

At least now you know that however suffocated you are from all the taxes you have to pay, at least you could freely cover your chest wherever you go, or grow your beard as long as you want to.


Message to Eagle (Nov. 21, 2016). 10 Most Bizarre Forms of Ancient Taxes: Surprising and Funny. Retrieved from http://www.messagetoeagle.com/10-bizarre-forms-ancient-taxes-surprising-funny/

Handwerk, Brian (April 14, 2016). Feeling Overtaxed? The Romans Would Tax Your Urine. Retrieved from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/04/160414-history-bad-taxes-tax-day/

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Scutage. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/scutage

Medieval Sourcebook: England: The Collection of Scutage, 1159-1195. Retrieved from https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/scutage.html

Hill, Bryan (July 12, 2015). Money Does Not Stink: The Urine Tax of Ancient Rome. Retrieved from http://www.ancient-origins.net/history-ancient-traditions/money-does-not-stink-urine-tax-ancient-rome-003408

The Scribe (June 4, 2007). At Least You Don't Pay Tax Urine. Retrieved from ancientstandard.com/2007/06/04/at-least-you-don't-pay-urine-tax...-1st-c-ad

Unni Nair, Supriya (Aug. 28, 2016). Dress Code Repression: Kerala's History of Breast Tax for Avarna Women. Retrieved from: http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/dress-code-repression-keralas-history-breast-tax-avarna-women-48982

Sebastian, Sheryl (SEpt. 12, 2016). Kerala's Casteist Breast Tax and the Story of Nangeli. Retrieved from https://feminisminindia.com/2016/09/12/kerala-breast-tax-nangeli/

Mancini, Mark (March 29, 2014). The Time Peter the Great Declared War on Facial Hair. Retrieved from http://mentalfloss.com/article/55772/time-peter-great-declared-war-facial-hair

Staff of Parliament.UK. Window Tax. Retrieved from http://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/transformingsociety/towncountry/towns/tyne-and-wear-case-study/about-the-group/housing/window-tax/

Staff of History House. Window Tax. Retrieved from http://www.historyhouse.co.uk/articles/window_tax.html

5 Great Ancient Mysteries of China

China is one of the world’s four ancient civilizations and considered the oldest civilization with an unbroken history up to today's modern era. Though Chinese history is unrivaled in its documentation, and its ancient origins have been extensively studied by various experts in science, history and archaeology, China – as a cradle of human civilization – remains a place full of secrets. 

Moreover, so, let us examine five of the greatest ancient mysteries that China has to offer. 

1. Ancient City Under Fuxian Lake

Spanning an area of 212 square kilometers, the Fuxian Lake stretches out through Chenjiang, Jianchuan and Huaning Counties in Yunnan Province. It is ranked as the third-largest lake in Yunnan, and also the deepest lake in the province. As it is 155 meters deep at its greatest depth, the Fuxian Lake is also the third-deepest freshwater lake in all of China. 

The Fuxian Lake is known for its unique fauna and many endemic species, but beyond this is a mystery that lies scattered on the lake’s unexplored bottom. According to an ancient local legend, a city-like silhouette under the lake can be seen on a beautiful calm day from the mountains nearby. To confirm if there is a hidden city in the deep waters of the lake, a Chinese submarine archaeology team stationed in the area conducted surveys in the Fuxian Lake. 

In 2001, they discovered earthenware and stonework beneath the lake, covering an area of approximately 2.4 to 2.7 square kilometers. Carbon dating of some shells attached to the blocks confirmed that the site was 1750 years old, which meant that it had existed around 257 CE and sunk during the Han period. It is believed that the ancient unidentified structure of the under-lake construction could represent the remains of the ancient Dian Kingdom. The Dian Kingdom is an ancient country with a high level of civilization which mysteriously disappeared after 86 BC.  

As for how the ancient civilization ended up at the bottom of the lake, some say that the ancient kingdom slid into the lake during an earthquake. Nevertheless, there are various legends involving the Fuxian Lake which has endured for more than 1,000 years that have yet to be verified. Since it is a huge body of water that remains largely unexplored, the credibility of these compelling mysteries may remain unconfirmed in the foreseeable future.

2. Mystery of the Huashan Caves

Located in the eastern suburbs of Tunxi district in the Anhui province city of Huangshan, the Huashan Caves are steeped in ancient, mysterious legends. Each ranging from 10 to 20 meters in height, the Huashan Caves, were manually chiseled more than 1,700 years ago. Stone columns, which vary in shapes support the caves’ ceilings. Altogether, 36 chambers were found among the Huashan Hills. Some of these chambers are filled with water, while some are two-story chambers. It's neatly chiseled walls and roofs, the big pillars and stone stairs, indicated that men excavated the caves.

Out of all the 36 caves, the biggest of them all is the Qingliang Cave, which is also referred to as the “Underground Palace” because of its scale and magnificent layout. This cave has a total length of 170 meters and an area of 12,600 square meters, and digging out the cave could have originally produced at least 50,000 cubic meters of stone. Inside the cave, a stone bridge above an underground river can be found, and stone paths lead to different halls. 

The Huashan Mountain has the biggest, most content-rich, and best-preserved ancient rock carvings ever discovered in China. They stretch 200 meters long and 40 meters high containing over 1,800 images. Carbon dating suggests the oldest ones are 16,000 years old with the youngest still 690 years old. 

Since no historical records reveal why the ancient people dug the Huashan Caves, some people believe the caves were mined for many stones needed to build a nearby town, to station troops, or maybe as Imperial tombs eventually abandoned. Despite all these guesses, the true reason creating this elaborate site remains an enduring mystery unanswered by today's man.

3. The Mystery of the Mystical Yellow Emperor

Ancient Chinese records speak of an extraordinary being, described as a god-like king and the “son of heaven.” This wise and powerful being was Huang-Di or Yellow Emperor. He was a legendary ruler who is said to have lived for over one hundred years around 3,000 B.C. Cited for being instrumental in developing the Chinese society and for being the founder of Chinese civilization, the Yellow Emperor created Chinese medicine, various religious practices, and mechanical inventions. 


However, aside from these achievements, there are several other reasons why the legendary Yellow Emperor was special and different. Huang-Di possessed advanced technology and extensive knowledge of the stars and the heavens. It was even believed that he descended on Earth in a “thunderclap on a clear day” when he began his reign. It has also been said that he had the ability to summon a metal-scaled dragon. He also kept in his possession a magical chariot known as Changhuan, which could take the Yellow Emperor to any part of his kingdom at fantastic speed. 

Given the nature of the Yellow Emperor’s backstory, there are those who have speculated that Huang-Di was actually an extra-terrestrial who landed in the land of ancient China five thousand years ago and ruled over the people who lived in the area at the time. Whether this is true or not, it cannot be denied that the Yellow Emperor is a very important figure in ancient China’s legends and history. 


4. Ancient World Buried Under the Taklamakan Desert

Ancient people believed that once you entered the Taklamakan desert, there was no getting out of it. The Taklamakan desert is the largest desert in China, and it is considered to be the world’s second largest shifting-sand desert, covering a massive area of over 33,700 square kilometers.

A long, long time ago, houses and temples were built amid the vast space of the “Sea of Death.” However, today, everything – including precious ancient relics – are hidden deep under the sand. Over the years, archaeologists have begun to discover some of the secrets that have been hidden in this mysterious region. 

Aside from its vital role in trade and commerce back when Silk Road connected various traders from the East and the West, some believe that an entire ancient world is hidden beneath the sand of the Taklamakan Desert. Remains of houses, temples, and the ancient city of Loulan were found buried under the sand, and corpses dating back nearly 4,000 years were also discovered in the area.

In the late 1980s, several well-preserved mummies estimated to be at least 3000 years old were also discovered in the Taklamakan desert. These well-preserved corpses revealed that these people once had long reddish-blond hair and European features. Neither did they appear to be the ancestors of the modern-day Chinese people. Moreover, so, some experts in archaeology now believe that these mummies were once citizens of an ancient civilization existing at the crossroads between Europe and China. 

While this seems to be a big leap in logic, more surprising discoveries are expected to as archaeologists continue to investigate the mysterious and dangerous desert, which could support or refute the hypothesis of a secret ancient world hidden beneath the sand. 

5. The Great Pyramid of China


The story behind the Great Pyramid of China is beyond interesting. For years, the Chinese government has allegedly hindered proper and extensive studies to be performed on the numerous pyramids located near the city of Xi-an. The pyramids are believed to be over 8,000 years old, and one of them is said to be much larger than the world-famous Great Pyramid of Giza.

The knowledge of the existence of several pyramids in China came to popular attention sometime after the Second World War. Many of the stories focused on the “Great White Pyramid” or the Maoling, which is the tomb of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (156-87 BCE) located in Xingping, Shaanxi Province. 

During World War II, U.S. Army Air Corps pilot James Gaussman is said to have seen a white jewel-topped pyramid during his flight between India and China. Fascinated by what he saw, he decided to take several photographs, which he later submitted along with a detailed report to his superiors as soon as he returned to base. Colonel Maurice Sheahan, the Far Eastern director of the Trans World Airline, told a similar eyewitness account, which was published in the March 28, 1947, edition of The New York Times. Over the years, numerous images of the alleged gigantic pyramids in China have been taken by pilots and satellites, providing further confirmation of the existence of these mysterious structures in Asia. 

Given the immense knowledge of geometry and mathematics required to build these pyramids, a glaring question has been raised: Who were the mysterious people that built these Chinese pyramids?

There are those who speculate that the Great Pyramid, as well as the other pyramids standing in the area, were actually built by extraterrestrial beings. According to reports, several European excursions took samples of the objects and metals around these pyramids. Analysis showed a fascinating detail about them: the metallic materials present at the Pyramids have yet to be accurately identified until now, since these metals are made out of materials that are currently unknown to modern science. 


Aside from the five things we have just discussed, there are several other puzzling and strange ancient places and objects in this Far East civilization that are still shrouded in mystery. Many of these places and artifacts are unknown to the Chinese themselves, but should the time come that their hidden mysteries are completely unraveled, they have the potential to rewrite history as we know it. 
